Sound of Silence

Mohit Mishra
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2023

Early mornings or late nights, I would sit down crosslegged comfortably, relaxed on a warm mat underneath my bottoms. I close my eyes gently. I gather up my mind, and park it aside for the next few minutes. I shift my attention to the sounds around. I hear various sounds. I hear my breath. I hear high pitched sound in the background. I hear the sounds within my body. I hear the whisper of the air around. I hear my breath getting softer and softer. I hear how the breath goes in, and then goes out, goes in, and then goes out.

Sound of air, sounds within the body, sound of breath. I drop all of them. What remains is the sound of pure awareness. What is the nature of that sound? The Sound of Silence.

When the mind turns inwards, it experiences its own silence. Speech is an obstruction to the sound of Silence. Speech is an expression of the mind. Mind is a flow of thoughts. Therefore, arrest the flow of thoughts that obstruct Silence. Mind is naturally extroverted. It is a great effort to turn it inwards, even greater to keep it turned inwards. Its ordinary nature is to run after names and forms and be effortlessly carried away. It remains unfamiliar with the sound of Silence. Tame it, put a leash, and make it your friend. And then show your friend the door to Silence. Ask your friend to keep the shoes out, and step into the concert of Silence.

Hello Silence, my old Friend

I have come to talk with You again

