Surrendering to the Eternal Now: A Vedanta Perspective on Embracing Life’s Essence

Mohit Mishra
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2024

In the intricate tapestry of existence, our journey unfolds through a myriad of moments, each holding the potential for profound realization. The awakening to the inherent powerlessness in attempting to control an unpredictable future becomes a transformative gateway to surrendering to the present moment – a concept deeply rooted in the wisdom of Vedanta.

As the awareness deepens, a profound realization surfaces: this very moment is a dynamic expression of life itself. The heartbeat, the breath, the pulse of existence – all resound within the now. In surrendering to the present, we embark on a philosophical journey echoing the profound questions intrinsic to Vedanta: What animates the heart? What is the sentient force behind all beings? What is the essence of existence that precedes the body, transcending the boundaries of life and death?

The analogy of white light refracting through a prism unveils the illusory nature of our perceived reality. Bodies become vessels through which life expresses itself, akin to the colours emerging from the prism. Yet, like the rainbow dissolving back into the fabric of existence, a fundamental question lingers: What is the Causeless, the unfathomable source into which all manifestations converge?

In the courtroom of life, we find echoes of surrender akin to a lawyer stating, “I rest my case, Your Honour.” It is an acknowledgment that despite our best efforts, the outcomes are beyond our control. The Judge, in this cosmic context, becomes the unfathomable force orchestrating the grand symphony of existence. Surrendering to the present moment is an act of trust, a recognition that, like a legal case placed before a Judge, the unfolding of our lives is in the hands of a higher cosmic intelligence.

In the absence of a knower, the universe loses its purpose. The “I am” consciousness, universal and unbounded, precedes the identification with name and form. To limit oneself to a specific identity is to confine the boundless Universal Consciousness within the constraints of individuality. Offering joys and sorrows, tied to personal identity, at the feet of the One Self, the Ekatma, is an act of recognizing the interconnectedness of all existence.

This surrender is not merely an offering of the body, mind, intellect, and ego but a relinquishing of the illusion of separateness. It is an acknowledgment that the Universal Consciousness permeates every aspect of creation, transcending the limited perceptions of the individual self.

Surrendering to the present moment in the Vedanta perspective is an invitation to embrace the eternal now, recognizing the interconnected dance of life and the profound unity that underlies all existence. It is an exploration of the timeless wisdom that beckons us to go beyond the transient and discover the unchanging essence within, guided by the cosmic wisdom akin to a wise Judge presiding over the cosmic courtroom of life. The essence of the Cosmic Self and the individual Self are one without a second. The Self expressing here as a writer of this article is no different from the Self expressing as the reader. The expressions, though, are different. Minds are different. The rainbow colours appeared and disappeared into the same Light. The different minds appear and disappear in the same Light of Self.

