This place called Home: A poem to befriend the Mind

Mohit Mishra
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2023

This place called Home

Nourished by the world

Yet untouched by it

What a glory It is

Roof of Devotion

Founded on Love

Compassion Within

Fullness It is

Wanted by Greed

Envied by Jealousy

Desirous by Anger

Ignored by Pride

It is beautiful

Within and without

O dear seeker

They can’t afford It

This forest of Homes

The most beautiful

The poshest of all

They can’t afford It

They demand Home

God’s Home

And they doubt God

How naive?

Can He be greedy?

Can He be jealous?

Can He be proud?

Can He be angry?

Of what! He is not you

There’s nothing He craves for

He has Everything

He is Everything

O my friend, hear me

He is Love Himself

He is Compassion Himself

He is Kindness Himself

He is Devotion Himself

O my dear friend,

Hear me more

He is Existence Himself

He is Intelligence Himself

He is Happiness Himself

He is the very fabric

That makes you

And I know

That we are

All in Him

Him in all

This placed called Home

Beyond all joys and sorrows

Beyond all pain and pleasure

Beyond all known & unknown

O my dearest friend

This Home is He

He is no different

From you and me

That which makes you

Aware of Everything

That also makes you

Aware of Nothing

That which is

Never seen

That which is

Ever being

O dear Mind,

Run for Home

Before you

Look out again

O dear Mind,

Watch them

As they come and go

You stay Home

There is

Nothing to gain

Nothing to lose

I am Home

O dear Mind,

Keep your shoes out

And now come inside to

This place called Home

