Embrace the Law of Assumption.

Ekim Kaya
Ekim Nazım Kaya
Published in
37 min readJul 21, 2023

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Would you like to start with the questions that you have?

Okay. Oh yeah.

So we talked about this concept of not just asking the universe, but ordering, you know, just like, like ordering from Amazon. I really love the image of, you don’t doubt that the package from Amazon is gonna come. Like I love the thing you said the other day about coffee, right? You order coffee, you’re gonna get the coffee.

So when it comes to these bigger manifestations like money or the boyfriend or the big trip or the first class ticket, is it as simple as putting in your order in the universe and how can, if so, how do we amplify

that? And if not, what are the It definitely has something to do with what you call the universe because it’s the universal mind.

You, which you are a part of. You’re not ordering from the universe, you’re ordering from your subconscious mind, which has access to this unlimited wisdom. So that’s why I gave you a practical example. Does it apply to you this I wanna wake up at 6 0 5 tomorrow. Have you ever done that?

I’ve done something similar like where if I have a really late night and an early morning, like from a gig to like work or something I’ll say body, you’re gonna wake up with the exact amount of REM cycles that you need.

I know it’s only gonna be four hours, but you’re gonna get what you need, right? So I’ve done things like

that. So in a bigger scale, it works for everything. But of course, Most things won’t happen overnight because it’s physically impossible, because there are things that ne need to take place first for everything to come together.

And the problem of humans is that we have 📍 assumptions based on our wrong beliefs and limited information, very limited. We mentioned not being aware of the whole spectrum of light or sound as human beings because we are physically limited to hear and see a certain range the same way we have assumptions about how things happen, how things will manifest, whether it’s about money or the right person in our lives.

So, That’s why pregnancy is a perfect example. You can’t rush the process of having a baby, right? Nine months 10 days, right? That’s the average. That’s within our knowledge. We know that it takes around nine months, 10 days for a baby to be ready to come to this earth. How are you supposed to know when you will be ready to find the right person?

When, where is he right now? In what’s, what, which consequences will take place to meet you guys? That’s a huge unknown, right? That’s why you can’t name a certain timeframe for that. That’s why you have to let go. But the intention is so important. If you live like, feel like it already happened, then you are changing your filter of perception.

We spoke about a reticular activating system. It’s scientific it’s a scientific fact. We’re not making up. It has nothing to do with spirituality. You see those guys and they’re there and because of your wrong assumptions, you don’t notice them or you repel them for a reason, for a reason, or you perceive them in a different way than they are just because of repeating to yourself.

I can, I can’t find those guys. I dunno where they are, right? There are more good guys left. Yeah, they’re all married, all taken, things like that. So it’s not as easy as like reasoning. When I say that you can still want you, you still want to say, no, I’m pretty open. I like, evaluate everything as a candidate.

No, it’s not how it works at a different level. You don’t notice them or you make mistakes or you perceive their behavior as mistakes. So it never gets anywhere. So again I, as a left brained person, I want to go into as details as possible, but sometimes it doesn’t make sense. Like you have to believe and act on it.

And then wait to see. You don’t know how long it’s gonna take. You don’t know where it’s gonna come from. You don’t know in what format, shape, or form. So about making money, there are actually millions of ways of making money for any person. It doesn’t have to be in the way that you assume there are many other ways, right?

You can sign a contract with someone, you can be discovered. We mentioned Justin Bieber. So these miracles happen o every day, thousands of them. You just need to see small examples so that until you get there, until you see some signs and some results, you’ll be able to invest mentally and physically and right. Whatever, psychologically. So that’s,

And what is that investment? So let, yeah, let’s talk about that investment cuz I, you know, I was just in the forest and I brought journals to do some of these, like future casting and take notes and about everything we’ve been talking about.

And then I realized I, okay, left my pens. So I was in the forest with journals and no pens and I said, ok, this is my higher self has led me to this point where I can just lie down and start to do this deeper embodiment work and visualization work of the things I was gonna write down. Okay? So I actually spent time, like real invested time and energy on envisioning everything I keep saying I want that I haven’t really taken the time to bask and feel it and believe it because there’s such a strong pattern in me that says, You.

That’s all a fantasy that’s not for you. So, so when you are investing in this, is that kind of

what you mean? No, I’m gonna explain. So the fact that you forgot the pen, you can see it from different perspectives. You can say, the university doesn’t even want me to list the things that I want.

How am I gonna get them? Or, it’s obviously easier to write down and take notes. That’s why you have to do something more difficult mentally visualizing, which is actually what you should be doing. Because even though it’s more difficult, that’s how it works. If you can immerse in that experience in your imagination first, that’s how visualization works, right?

Writing down is easy. You don’t wanna take the easy path because there are neural. Networks in our brain, and you’re physically forming new connections between different parts of your brain, which is more difficult than just writing something down. What I mean by investing is it’s again, pretty easy ordering from your subconscious mind.

Remembering this during the day, and especially doing it right before you go to sleep, when it’s more prone to being manipulated, it’s easier to manipulate your subconscious mind right before you go into sleep. So actually, that’s it. If I could convince people to give this a couple of days and.

Maybe set alarms at random times during the day. And when the alarm goes on off you’re gonna say, oh, I, I have to order from my subconscious minds whatever I want and order in the real meaning of ordering. Like, as if you are a boss and maybe even a mean one, because you know that it has to get you what you want.

So be pretty strict. There is no room for any doubt. And the stricter you are, the better it works. Just give it a week, do it every day for a week. Every night, every morning when you wake up you’re gonna see something. Of course, I can’t tell you what’s gonna happen in your life, but you’re gonna name it a miracle.

It’s gonna be like, it’s gonna feel like a miracle, but it’s not. This is how it works. This is what we expect

even after a week. What if I need nine

months to 10 days for five miracles? No one week You see some signs. So, so that this is what I mean by an investment, like, like something that doesn’t make sense to your prefrontal cortex because there’s nothing happening.

Yeah. You have to keep doing it for a while, right? I think anyone can do for one week, and I assure you, I’ve never seen anyone who didn’t see anything that surprised them within a week. And that’s good enough to keep going, right? When you see something like, I don’t know how big it’s gonna be, but you are gonna change your filter from day one because you’re expecting something, because you assume something will happen because you trust me.

So should you start off with something small? Like should what would, first of all, I want an example from you on a process of the nighttime and the day ordering. But would you say that you should start with something small? Like, I’m gonna be asked out for coffee by a really amazing person, or should you go to what you, as you say, the end result, do something big

and then watch the little thing happen?

I had a different approach when it comes to how detailed it’s gonna be. Because when I first did this, it was in a different format because I read this book, I’m gonna ex show you the book later. He says, if you repeat your request for a hundred times repeat, meaning you’re gonna write it down. Okay. Let’s say Different aspects of your life, what you want in terms of money, in terms of relationships. It’s like it takes like half a page in my case and I wrote down this is what’s gonna happen. I was, I addressing American citizens who are doing social media marketing and I was selling them leads, potential customers, information of potential customers.

And I assumed that I would make a lot of money doing this as a job. So I wrote this down 25 times per day for four days because it’s not realistic to write it for. For a hundred times back to back. It’s so tiring. You become alienate, alienated to it. So you quit. He says that’s John Keho, by the way.

I don’t know if you’re familiar with him. That’s another amazing guy. Who changed my life. This is happening in Russia. I wrote it down in as detailed as you mentioned, like he’s gonna take me out. So within three months from living in Russia, I told Theta Lopez’s team invited me to LA all expenses paid.

And it made me feel like my LA dream is much more realistic now. I’ve been to LA before as a tourist, but it’s a whole different story. When you come here, you start checking for apartments to live and it becomes much more realistic. So it took me three months. To completely leave my life in Russia and move to the US second time in my life.

But it, I, so my assumption was proven wrong. The money didn’t come from selling the leads to American people, but it came from selling content to Turkish people. And I made a quarter of million dollars like in September, 2017. So three months prior, I’m writing down to my notebook. Everything came true, like living in Los Angeles, living in a certain area.

I even set a deadline for it, so it was like three months. But so it’s like my order was accepted, but the universe. Universal mind. Your subconscious mind knows better than you. He says, okay, I got it. It’s gonna happen, but your assumption is wrong. And here’s another path that will lead you to the results that you want.

And the feeling, cuz you thought the feeling of that first social media idea would feel a certain way and did that feeling manifest with the

other? I don’t care where the money comes from. I enjoy doing something as long as it leads to the result that I want. That’s why I’m always like pointing out the wrong assumptions.

Why limit yourself to a certain way? If what if it’s just a means to an end? Why do you care? Why do you care if this guy takes you to coffee but not lunch? Stupid example. But don’t limit yourself because there are millions of possibilities. And if you focus on just one you, it’s basically you are stuck in that.

And if it doesn’t happen, you wrongfully think that this doesn’t work. So let’s say if I wasn’t open to let me ex, let me explain. How did I change my mind? And took the other path of creating content in Turkish. So when Tyler Lopez in invited me to la I also attended his mastermind where I learned about the psychological biases.

They’re so powerful because. You know, the limbic brain, the primitive brain is hardwired by some feelings, and if you trigger them most of our purchasing decis decisions are based on those feelings. So basically, Ty, someone from Thai Lopez’s team thought me, if you do this, then they will buy from you.

But this applies to I don’t even remember how exactly the switch from English content to Turkish happened, but it is my comfort zone, right? It’s much easier for me to quote, unquote, manipulate people in my own language. So I started creating content and right after that mastermind, the landing page and the sales video that I created, It is a masterpiece of marketing.

Still to this day, I couldn’t do anything that’s like slightly as good as that thing, that landing page and the video, I’m still impressed. So like I was a tool for the universal minds to be used for my own manifestation. It gave me all the information, all the energy, all the mental status, whatever it is that made me create something that I wouldn’t be able to create otherwise.

So I’m, do you understand the amazement of what I did myself? I did. I wouldn’t expect that from myself. So that video received hundreds of thousands of views, and then I also advertised using that video And I started selling my courses without even creating the content for it. I made just one video, just one for launch, and I said, I’m gonna drip the videos.

You’re gonna get one video per day so you won’t be overwhelmed. You won’t get more than you can consume. So it was like a pretty lean operation in terms of creating a like huge amount of content, which I don’t know whether it’s gonna sell or not. I made one video and a landing page and the video and the sales video.

So I put together a curriculum. So it’s like 20 videos, but only titles. There’s only one. When people started buying it for $150 I started creating the rest of the course easier for me. Easy. So I sold like 25 of them in two days, in 48 hours, 20, 25 times $150. So you see that it’s happening. There is no question about the success of the course.

At that point everything was right. The stars were aligned. Turkish economy was much better back then. Anyone could afford my courses. Not anymore. Right now, it’s a completely different story, by the way, but I’m not supposed to know that. The universe knows and like puts me in LA to that mastermind and I take notes and it’s as if I’m watching myself from a distance and like being amazed by what this guy is doing because it’s, it doesn’t feel like it’s me.

It’s too much. When universe takes over success is g guaranteed. No matter what we’re talking about, that’s the kind of trust you should have. And it’s pretty easy. You just need to order. And when you keep repeating the process of ordering something, it becomes natural. Again, the scientific explanation of this, I discuss this with a friend of mine who is a trauma expert.

Like he heals people and she said, so when you repeat things, she’s not spiritual. She’s all scientific. She says, yeah, it looks like it might have worked for you just because of the fact that it became familiar to you. When you write something down for a hundred times, it’s like you what I call the simulation happens your.

Nervous system internalizes it. So it’s not a, like a distant possibility, but you believe it, start believing in it and you act differently. Another example, you go to, oh, what’s that? Let me turn you off. When you go to a horror movie, you know that it’s a production. It’s manmade. It’s fiction, right? Yet in a dark environment when there’s a, like a nervous scene, when you see the killer going out of somewhere and like killing someone it triggers you, you feel it in your nervous system because the subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong.

Your prefrontal cortex knows that it’s, you are safe in that environment. It’s a movie. You’re gonna go out safe, no one is getting killed. But your nervous system doesn’t know that. That’s why we go to higher movies. Same thing.

So in opposite that, is that where the action step comes in? Cause we’re doing these, this ordering, like I was doing this on my walk.

I was like, I can’t wait to see how this windfall of money will come in that isn’t for my job. So that’s like the ordering aspect. So is the subconscious, like the horror movie in it’s polar opposite with positivity? Is that where the work comes in? Where I have to start to feel it, to believe it, to train my subconscious that’s my new world of life.


it’s called, that’s the law of assumption. You’re assuming something, then it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. You don’t really need to pay attention to why it happens, why it works if you give it. Like, if you try it long enough, you’re gonna start seeing the results, then it’s gonna be a no-brainer.

If I got this small reward then why not keep doing it? Because you know that every time it’s gonna work every time, and you’re gonna keep, you’re gonna start getting bigger rewards because now you believe because you’ve seen it with your eyes that it works. So we are switching our assumptions from negative ones to positive ones.


So are you doing practices like that when you say you’re, you set an alarm, so when the alarm goes off, do you say a statement like, how does it work? Take us through

the day. So first at night there is no single formula to this, but. My goal is now to become a billionaire. Which sounds ridiculous.

Given like my situation compared to all the billionaires out there, Elon Musk is running like six, $7 billion companies. That’s why he’s a billionaire. Jeff Bezos. Like sells millions of packages every day. That’s why he’s a billionaire. But there are many other ways, like there are Bitcoin billionaires too.

Now. The technology made it much easier. Let’s say 30 years ago it was. Much less realistic to set a goal of being a billionaire. But now I know that there are more and more ways every year with technology, especially with ai. Now they say they, there will be one person billion dollar companies, and I know that it’s possible, so I don’t spend one second on thinking whether it’s possible or not.

Why care about the, whether it’s real realistic or not. So I set a pretty high goal now because I enjoy exploring, like Journey is the reward to me right now because it worked at a smaller level Before you mentioned a million dollars, a million dollar is not even a big amount anymore given the economy.

So first things first, I said don’t be surprised. In good or bad ways, like don’t be devastated with something that looks bad and don’t be amazed by a certain result either normalizing things. The coffee example represents this. You wouldn’t be happy to be able to get a cup of coffee. So expand your limits of comfort from a cup of coffee to a million dollars.

It’s right now. I expanded it all the way to a billion dollars. Even though it is like there is nothing in real life that will like, make me feel comfortable about thinking, feeling about having a billion dollars far from that. I don’t know. But I’m prepared mentally prepared. And I won’t be surprised again because I had some kind of success with the whole manifestation story bef before.

That’s why it may look like it, it’s easy for you to say that, but I’m telling you, I was in Russia living in like a couple of thousand dollars per month kind of budget, and then I changed my reality completely within three months. Everything’s possible.

And so, but so if, so, if Millionaire is your new step point, how are yous structuring your day in regard to making that happen?

Are you still doing the writing out? Like, take us through when you wake up

to, when you go to bed to complete that answer. At night, I say so the goal is being a billionaire, right? And there are, let’s say 5,000 things that need to happen for me to get there. Small or big meeting with people considering ideas, executing them finding a way of doing something more efficiently, finding customers, 5,000 steps.

Okay. And since I’m not in a position to like put this as a list, I’m gonna do this and this and this, and then I’m gonna be become a billionaire. It doesn’t work like that. So, coming from the assumption of being a billionaire, I gave myself like 12 years for some reason. I don’t know why.

The thing that I’m ordering for my subconscious mind before I go to bed is whatever needs to happen tomorrow, make it happen. Out of this, let’s say 5,000 random number and I itemized list of things. Whatever needs to happen tomorrow, make it happen. It might not be visible to me, by the way. Maybe the universe is arranging things like in, in the Russia, LA case.

I couldn’t arrange the availability of this mastermind or a guy named Ty Lopez doing what he’s doing. So that was arranged completely differently, completely independently from my reality. So again, just to prevent from you, from assuming the wrong idea, whatever needs to happen will happen.

This is what I’m ordering before I go to bed. Sometimes I see like a small thing happening. Within my reality, sometimes I don’t. That’s why it’s difficult. No matter how many times you get success with this, you still need to remind yourself. Because as people we are pretty limited in terms of the things that we believe.

If we see them, it’s much more easier to believe them. That’s why you have to keep believing, even though you don’t see anything within your physical reality. That’s the difficult part. That’s why I suggest to set the alarms. Yeah. So during the day and this started with you again, believe it or not, because everything that I tell you is a reminder for myself.

I know this, it worked for me before, but it even, I need to be reminded during the day or once in a while, because. Our physical reality defines us. If we let it, like you send me something, there are unlimited possibilities. So we are, all we need to do is unlearn because as kids, we assume that anything is possible, right?

You didn’t need anything. You assume that you are living in a certain space. You acted like you have a certain toy, especially in our generation nowadays, they’re more spoiled. They wanna have everything. But it was easier to imagine anything, and it’ll become your reality, even though it’s not in your physical reality.

You acted a certain way. You felt a certain way, and that’s your reality. You’re a princess in your room, acting like a princess, playing the game of being a princess, right? We lost it. Why? As adults, because we have to make money. We have to pay rent. Yeah. We know that reality doesn’t work like that.

This is what the society, what school, what our parents thought. Us. If we catch playing totally in our rooms, at some point someone would say, okay, enough, you’re not a kid anymore. You have to go out there and make money. And so this is like the cancer of our society. Disbelief. That’s what we should unlearn.

I love English for this. We don’t have a word for unlearn in Turkish. We have forget, but unlearn is exactly what we need to do because more powerful. We weren’t born like this. There are people who believe they can do anything. No. Elon Musk believes that we are gonna colonize Mars. He didn’t lose that part of his childhood.

He has an amazing mom too. Yeah, of course he has. He’s a genius. He has all this talent, all this, all these resources. But again, if you got all his money distributed evenly to other people, he would still become rich. We know that for like, for a fact, right? When you visualize Elon Musk and if you strip out of his, him out of his money, you know that he won’t stay broke.

Why? Because he has a different understanding of reality. I give Elon as an example, so, so often because he’s like so far ahead of anyone on earth when it comes to believing what you can achieve, he’s unlimited. That’s why.

So in your day-to-day, are you saying the same thing and are you this like assumption?

Are you acting as if, and actually this leads me to a question of when you are acting as if you’re a billionaire, how are you acting? Because I noticed that when I was like, what would a wealthy person do? I was like, oh, well she’d buy the expensive coffee, she’d buy the dress. You know? And I was like, yeah, but like current Jamie can’t do that, you know?

So are you’re still ordering, like, when those alarms go off, you’re saying the same thing that you did in the nighttime, and then are you doing certain activities

as the person you’re becoming? You can do. So let’s say it goes off at 3:00 PM 4 30, 7 15. Okay. And you are doing different things at certain times.

Think about how you can apply the process of ordering to that certain time timeframe. So we went to Miami recently, right? With my family and we flew economy. We checked the business class prices because I have eight year old, it would cost $7,000. It was okay for me to pay that amount because, you know, you wanna fly rested.

But my wife didn’t let me buy business class tickets and it was firing with the kids flying economy, not being able to sleep. What I do is because I was able to charter a private jet before I know of the difference, it’s day and night. You go to the airport whenever you want, you of course there’s a certain time that you agreed on where, when the plane will take off.

But you have, you don’t have to run there because the pilots won’t fly without you because you chartered that plane there. They’re, the reason the reason they’re there, it’s at that given time, is because they’re gonna fly just you and your family. So if you are, let’s say 20 minutes late, nothing will happen.

They will be waiting for you. So I visualized that experience going back in time and like we’re being picked up with huge SUVs, two guys putting our luggages in the trunk. We have a nanny and we could bring her with us. We didn’t. You have a team of people making your life easier for you as you go through in your physical reality.

Go through the security with kids waiting in line forever. Because private just have different Different airports. I would be going to Venice instead of lax if I were to fly private and s u would take us there. Someone would put our luggages in the on the airplane and we would board.

As soon as we take off, we would be in bed for six hours. You can sleep laying like completely.

So you’re visualizing this and you’re feeling it, and you set time in your day to make Yes.

Because in my physical reality, this ake is disturbed by the fact that he has to go through these difficulties. And what’s the opposite of it?

What’s the, how do you represent that timeframe? In your billionaire version, you’ll be flying private with a team of people who are helping you. So it’s. Much easier. Okay. And you don’t have to have this experience. Of course, you know, you, that’s why I was watching these Lamborghini videos on YouTube.

There’s all kinds of content. If you wanna see what private flights experience feels like, you’re gonna just search for it and you’re gonna watch a video about it. So the limited, okay, limited, physically limited, Jamie needs those experiences, a fancier dress, whatever. Actually you shouldn’t even need to experience that, to be able to convince your mind that it’s doable, right?

So don’t put yourself in a difficult position where you’re gonna break the bank just to do the simulation. If you are able to do that, it just helps with the feeling part. I can’t buy a jet yet, but I can rent it for a couple of hours right now. It could financially make sense for me to refresh that feeling because then it becomes so powerful.

After renting the jet for a couple of months, I act differently and it creates a huge difference in terms of the results that I get. There is no way that you fly private once and you still maintain like a small thinking kind of behavior, trying to save a couple of dollars here and there. It’s impossible because you are rewired as a person when you have an experience like that, so that’s why try to get there.

And in incremental improvements like. First when I’m not able to even rent the Lamborghini, I was using YouTube and the vest is just a couple of hundred dollars. Then I was able to rent it, then I was able to buy it. So there are just three steps to, to buying the Lamborghini. Of course. In real life, things are happening as I move forward from watching the YouTube videos to ranting, to buying, but you are almost irrelevant to the whole process of making it happen.

You just keep ordering. You just stay in the zone, feel rich, no matter what. Feel loved, feel like, like you are attracting people to your life. And then it’s just a matter of time because again, things are being arranged for you somewhere else. You don’t see them. No.

So even when you had the vision of being picked up in the S U V and having your luggage taken care of.

But then you’re still in a security line with a screaming baby and like eating airport food. And you have that vision. You’re like, oh, I wish, like, do you feel the discrepancy in the two realities? And you feel it, but you’re like, whatever, it’s gonna happen. So even though the opposite is happening, you’re still staying in the


So it works. Your desire, ways. We run away from pain and we seek pleasure, right In that given example, there’s pain. That’s why I was able to reinforce my need for changing the way we travel because this is not the ideal way of traveling. And I know that I can do much better than this.

So in that case, it’s is escaping from the pain

but in, when it, when the pain thing does happen, cuz you had to write, you had to write uhhuh economy. Is there a part of you that is still just, you still have implicit trust in the vision that you

manifest? Even though I see it as an opportunity to get in the zone because if I hadn’t gone through this difficulty it wouldn’t be in my, like that day, I wouldn’t visualize about it.

So it helps me reject the physical reality as it’s given right now. And it helps me remember to keep ordering. That’s really all we need to do. It’s unbelievable. Keep ordering. This is experimental because it worked for me. I wanna see if it works for other people. That’s why I want starting with you.

I’m gonna remind you maybe during the day, that’s what I’m doing. Did you like set a goal of having an amazing day today? Did you start searching for amazement? That’s one part of it. Ordering is more important than that. So yeah, maybe we can build an app to send out notifications randomly, which people modify based on their right requirements.

Yeah, because I think I’m, there’s a part of me that’s like, is it just as simple as like having a conversation with your subconscious or your higher self? Like there’s a part of me that’s like, it’s, there’s gotta be more steps. That’s why I keep asking, like, do you set a time visualization? Times?

Like, I just set an hour. In my fantasy land, and I don’t, I usually don’t take time to do that. I’m a doer. I’m a little bit more of an action step taker. So this was a really good like embodiment experience for me. Since I didn’t have the pens, I didn’t have a to-do list. So I guess there’s a part of me that’s like, it’s there, it has to be more complicated than

this, than the just ordering your mind is trying to justify things.

I understand that because of fear of the possibility that it’s not that easy. It’s not as easy as it says. Again, that’s why I said if you were to believe that you can become a millionaire in one month, it would happen. So it’s all about how distant you are from where you should be. That’s why rich people’s kids, even though, let’s say they, they like Bill Gates is not bill Gates kids won’t inherit billions from him, right?

He’s giving away. Most of his wealth, like 99%. But hi, his children will still do well because they believe they were born into a world where they believe that anything is possible. You can live the life of a billionaire. Totally. They didn’t make that money and his, their father won you away his money to them.

But do you think they have fear about like, anything? How are they gonna make ends meet? So it’s about how strongly you can believe in things happening. So always think it’s, so, always think about the distance between how confident you should be about a certain thing happening, being real, and how far away from belief you are.

And you know, in manifestation, people always say the how is none your business, right? The how is just gonna get in the way. And I think that’s what happens to me is, and a lot of people, right? It’s like, especially with money, like, okay, really want to make six figures this year? How am I gonna do it?

And then I, and I can feel like a contraction, right? I’m like, oh, I don’t know how I don’t know how many courses I can tell or how many students I can teach. And I can feel that’s just like, not the direction we need to be

going in. Look, I always try to give examples from my own life, how am I gonna become a billionaire by creating this content who’s, how many people will pay me what to listen to me?

So I’m gonna become a billionaire, yet I am, I know that it’s gonna happen. So I’m trying to lead by example. I’m in the same position as you are when you consider my goal with your goals. Let’s say they’re more modest because you haven’t done that before. I’m in the same place, right? I’m not making a million dollars a month.

I, how am I gonna make billions? I don’t know. And I don’t care. I don’t pay attention. I don’t spend any energy on thinking that because it’s beyond me. What’s right? It’s the on my only job is to believe how? How crazy is that? Well, that,

and I guess I have nothing to lose, right? It’s like,

why not? And why am I trying to explain this to you?

Why? What’s in it for me to make you believe that should be a sign for you? Like we discussed the way we met, right? Doesn’t it sound like a miracle already? Yes. Now that given that, yeah, I, it helped me go international. I’m, I decided to build an English speaking community, an audience. So could you plan that, Jamie?

That’s just one thing that happened in in last, how many weeks? Two, three weeks. Yeah. Two, you have to see them, you have to appreciate and be grateful for these things. And you get like bigger ones, right?

Yeah, I do. And I have noticed that like when I’m looking back at the last 21 days, like meeting you, meeting a student that’s also like a social media influencer, like interviewing you both like having like access to people that have what I want.

And I haven’t had that. Know forever maybe. So

yes, it’s already started in, let’s say you have 1000 steps. Whereas I have 5,000 because I have a more ambitious goal. Maybe go back, look at what happened over the last two, three weeks and write them down. So you’re gonna cross like three or four things off the list, which you don’t know.

You’re not populating the list yourself. But if you write down three things that you just mentioned, then you see that it’s already happening again. We have an assumption. Bigger things need to be happening, or faster, or I should have stronger signs. No, they’re your assumptions. You wouldn’t be able to put together the things that need to happen to get you there.

So you might enjoy just, you might. Better enjoy the process because it’s happening for you. It’s easier.

And the doing, like the doing aspect of trying to get somewhere important versus,

thank you for reminding me this. It’s gonna be so obvious to you when, let’s say, like I said, we are an agent, right? I was an agent to create that piece of content that started my new journey that led me to moving to United States.

So it’s so apparent everything is ready for you. Going to that mastermind, listening to this guy talking about psychological biases, taking notes, he makes it so apparent that if you use them you’re gonna trigger people and change their behavior when they see your ad. You know how many minutes? I have a 28 minute long ad on YouTube and millions of people watched it, who watches 28 me minute ads?

We can’t even like stand five seconds, right? Millions of people watch it, right? Because of the way I put it together perfectly. They wanna hear what’s coming next, what’s the next sentence? And it wasn’t me. I couldn’t do it if it wasn’t for that Thai lopez’s guy who thought me psychological biases. So that’s what I mean when I say I couldn’t have planned that.

I couldn’t put together this plan myself. The physical human being. I’m pretty limited, but I have some kind of connection to this unlimited wisdom when I tap into it. Anything is possible and you are just an agent. Believe me. So, again, this is difficult to grasp. I understand this. You need to experience it for yourself, but I’m a living example and I’m, I know that you can understand I’m not the only one.

This message has been in books, in movies, in YouTube videos. Millions of people believe and benefit from it. If our education system decided to include this into our curriculum, like high school, college, whatever then we would be living in a different world because it’s, education is right now, especially mostly about unlearning the stuff that we’ve been taught.


And it’s like they don’t want us to know how powerful we are, that we can have everything we want, cuz then


economy wouldn’t know what it’s maybe may, maybe that’s gonna change because that’s a different discussion. Economy relies on people doing their, like simple parts going to their offices, nine to nine to five jobs.

With covid changes, changed things and AI will change things dramatically again. Many things that human beings are doing right now will be irrelevant. It’s gonna be unnecessary. It’s an exciting time to live. Wow.

And I like that perspective, right? Because a lot of people being like, this is terrifying, but that’s not the world I wanna experience.

It’s like I wanna experience the world where it’s all gonna benefit


So you’re digging a hole on the ground. Let’s say you are using a small spoon, so it’ll take you forever to dig the hole, like big enough, let’s say to fit yourself. Someone else is doing it with a shovel, which is much easier than a spoon.

And there’s another guy who has a, who has access to an excavator, like a big device. So he finishes it in like a couple of minutes. So belief is so powerful that if you believe that, that’s the only way to do, that’s the only way to dig that hole with your soul, and there’s no other way. There might be shovels or excavators around you and you won’t see them.

Yeah, cuz it, it reminds me of this thinking of when I say I wanna make a certain amount of money, but I look at the ways that I’m making money and I’m like, how would I double it with what I’m doing? Which is like the spoon kind of like, it, like my million dollars has to come from the spoon of my coaching.

And then I was fantasizing about getting a windfall of an inheritance or like having a benefactor, just like angel investor be like, I believe in everything Jamie’s doing and just cut me a big check. You know? So it’s like something that I actually don’t think would happen. Nope. Cancel clearly definitely could happen.

It’s something that Jamie 1.0 didn’t believe could happen, you know, and just playing, like, I just felt myself playing with that idea. Like, if I got a check tomorrow for a hundred thousand dollars, like what would I do? And I felt in my body, like the relief I would feel. From just not having to worry about where anything’s coming from for the next two years.

Like I could easily not work, right? So I just started to play and in the play, and the freedom was like, oh, I’d take my friends out to dinner. Oh, I’d book a first class ticket. Oh, I’d pay this off. And you, within the play, I felt that I was, had access to the dimensional reality that was real.

Everything you mentioned regarding limitations is again, in it applies to the adult world, driven by fear. That’s why maybe it’s easier to embody the child who has no fear about anything, not being hap not happening, or like any kind of difficulty to remove the limits as an adult is difficult. I understand that.

That’s why play the game of being a child again, which makes it easier to limitations, right? During that game, you’re gonna be a kid and kid has no fears. So if you play the kid, you can use the game of playing the kid to remove your adult fears.

And I,

I’m in the world of subconscious reprogramming and hypnosis and like, you know, there’s I was just watching something by Melissa Pierre, who’s a famous hypnosis therapist and she specializes in everything we’re talking about, but it’s this rewiring the belief system and going into Theta State, going into a subconscious meditation and starting to rewire with affirmations.

Or even as far as going into previous memories and reprogramming, which is a little bit

more, I don’t think that they’re needed.

Yeah. So it seems to me that you’re jumping the steps of. The belief work and you’re just really stepping into it. You’re like, I have nothing to lose. I’m just going forward with the new belief system.

And that,

so is that everything that you mentioned is again to remove the limitations created by your adult world. Why take the difficult right path of doing that if you as a kid, if you didn’t have any of these play the game of being a kid? I just came up with this by the way. So again, when there is an example called Elon Musk in our life and he doesn’t have any kind of mental limitations.

It’s a chance for us to see that this is possible, even in adult world, he has no fear. He has no limitations, but he has reasons. He was always like that he was a millionaire when he was 25 because he sold to like, He sold his first company when he was 20 something. So it was like a, he has a track record.

That’s why you can believe that, that’s why it’s easy for him. Okay. Put it aside and then play the kid game. Wow.

Yeah. That’s, that feels like what I, that’s what I was doing earlier. It just felt like I’m literally in a forest with a blanket and I have nothing to do. But play in my

mind, subconscious is so powerful.

When you do your part and manipulate it, it’s gonna take over. Then you’re gonna see the difference. You don’t, it doesn’t have any kind of limitation that you have with the limited part of this brain here. That’s why you, when you get high or when you’re drunk you limit the activity here. That’s why when the curtain is removed, You become more relaxed, more creative.

That’s our, that should be our normal state without getting high or drunk. Like,

yes, I, it’s easier when

I’m high. That’s why just saying the fear is instilled here, instilled in, into you by this part, which is doing its own job because the function of the brain is not to make you happy or to make you rich.

It’s just for survival. If there’s a risk, if there’s an untraveled path, it’ll prevent you from going there because it’ll want you to keep doing what you’ve been doing because you didn’t die doing that. That’s the definition of comfort zone. It wants to preserve energy. If it was to her, you wouldn’t do anything.

You would just sit. And spend your life without spending any energy and you would be safe there. That’s why turning it off or overriding it with a much stronger belief of anything is possible is the only way to go give it a chance. Incredible. And like with, as a game, I’m only the millionaire. I’m like you, the way you put it is perfect.

Jamie 2.0 1.0 was limited. Like you can even look down on her. Oh, 1.0 she was so limited. I’m not that. I’m going to 4.0, so 2.0. The function of my new version is to realize it, to get this story into my awareness so that I can go to the next versions. Just bury the first version. Limited, fearful limiting her options, her possibilities, whatever you’re doing might be irrelevant.

You might start something completely new. It happened to me. I had assumption I would sell leads to Americans. I sell content to Turkish people, and I enjoyed doing it. Changed a lot of people’s lives, made a lot of money doing it, and it got me to Los Angeles and to the Lamborghini toys and things. That’s another story.

It’s when you get there, you realize that’s not the answer like Jim Kerry said. Yeah.

And it, it ends up being like, when I think about what I would spend all this inheritance on, it’s like, yeah, I’d have, I’d get the luxury and then I’d. I’d wanna go fund a scholarship. Sorry. It’s like, I can’t wait to be a philanthropist.

Amazing. Like, when I think about giving

it back Good, I get really excited. That’s a bigger goal. Like more noble one. Like, you’re not wanting it for yourself. That’s why you’re, it’s, it becomes even more possible when it’s about spreading. Something like the global, universal resources to other people, not just to your pocket, but to many people.

Yeah. You have a stronger reason behind your behavior. Yes.

And it feels like I can feel my body lighting up as Like this chosen one, like a chosen one to be awake in this time with this information, with this level of frequency and intellect to really start to encode myself with these truths and then share them like it’s exactly what you’re doing with me.

Right? There was a part of me that was like, what’s in it for you to be coaching me? And I think about when I share this with my clients, I’m like, oh, I light the fuck up when I talk about it. And like you said, it’s reinforcing it for me. It just feels like it’s wealth, right? This is abundance, right? Like what we’re experiencing is abundance.

So it’s like it just

keep it going’s mind or law or information. If you are in a higher position, I’m not talking about myself right now. You understand me. If you are not holding onto the limited amount that you have, then basically you have more that you than you need, which is the definition of wealth, right?

Giving away love, money, information. You don’t have to keep it as a secret or you don’t have to hold onto the small amount that you have. You have so much that you’re able to give it away. The overflows.

Amazing. Thank you for overflowing your wisdom in this.

It helps me really it’s like I’m coming up with methods, which is gonna help me as well.

Yeah. And I think having it, you know, as you can see, a theme with my questions is there’s like a, it’s like, give me the manual, like give me the bullet points. Like there I am, the pm, you know, that’s like kind of what my brain won, so I know that I’m doing

it right. Do you remember how you played as a kid?

Yeah, I danced and sang all the time

in reports. Okay. But let’s say you weren’t hoping to become famous or rich as a kid. Obviously you didn’t need that. That’s the point. These are you wanted? I wanted it, but you could visualize it very easily if you wanted to. Like I remember as a kid, I loved the idea of driving a bus.

Okay. And how can I simulate this as a kid in your life? I have this bed and I remember driving to like headlights to the front of my bed, which makes it a bus. Then I get in the bus, I put two pillows, which becomes a seat. Then I have a steering wheel. So with just three items, pillows is a seat, headlights, and a steering wheel.

The bed becomes a bus. How easier can life get? Like as an adult, now I have to think about how am I gonna afford a bus? How am I gonna, but as a kid

now, was a private jet. Now’s a private jet. So maybe you need to start playing with that.

That’s awesome.

That’s a exciting it’s all really, I can feel myself becoming a match to different, like books and I’m even reading a book differently with it. It’s a manifestation book, and I went back to it after our conversations and I feel like I’m receiving the information differently with the background of everything we’ve been


The physical limited versions of our ourselves need to be convinced over and over again. Yeah. But yes, all you need to do is just order and let go, order and wait and believe. That’s it. It’s so difficult to believe. Really. That’s all it I know.

But it’s that simple. And are you

writing it? Do you write it down a lot?

No, I didn’t do it a hundred times. The method again I told you I went bankrupt, right? I really struggled and we were yeah, expecting this baby. And my wife was pregnant, so I tried a couple of things. I did event rentals in la. I wasn’t making enough money. Then I’m gonna send you this book. It’s pretty powerful.

It makes you visualize your death, like there are levels to it. First you imagine you have one month left, then one week, then one day, then 24 hours, then one one hour left. Okay? You’re gonna die in an hour. You close your eyes and go into this experience back to back in shorter and shorter time. Left.

And then it wants, the book wants you to. Associate the fact that you are leaving this earth without having done what you wanted to achieve. Yeah. So, you know, survival is the strongest sense, the feeling, right? So what it does is it just speeds up the process of altering your subconscious mind. I guess I said I visualized like it’s stupid, but I wanted to make $30,000 to live comfortably per month for my family.

And I did that like, I am dying without being able to make $30,000 a month in one month, in one week in Monday, in 24 hours and one hour. It’s depressing. But at the end of the session you don’t really feel a lot. Next month I made $30,000 and I never made less than $30,000 ever since. Yeah, since then.

And this is

all from the courses by the way. The guy says, this is pretty powerful stuff, so be careful when you’re doing it because it might trigger like some kind of depression. So make sure you’re healthy, your personal traumas might get into the way I’ll send you the book and there’s only just two pages about this experience.

I don’t think you need that, by the way, I needed it because from Bankrupt to Survival and getting back on track, I used it and it worked. And it says, he says, you can do this. You can apply it to anything, and it’ll help.

That’s amazing. And your $30,000 a month is all

from these multiple different ITT matter doesn’t matter. Yes. I after going bankrupt, I started this content business again, and this time I’m selling subscriptions. How did I come up with the idea of offering a subscription instead of selling a $250 course?

Because it makes it much easier for people to pay like $25 per month. And it makes it much easier for me, removes the stress of selling something every day because, you know, you are adding on top of what you already have. Like let’s say 200 students are paying 25 and new students are coming on top of that, so it’s easier for both sides.

I never thought about. Starting a subscription service before, but probably this helped me come up with the right method because now Turkish people wouldn’t pay, afford to, wouldn’t be able to afford a higher price point anyway. So subconscious might know what’s going

on. And then that worked.

Cause there were enough

people that were willing to describe. I have like 2,400 students now.


it. That’s amazing. That’s definitely the next step for me. Yes. In my business.

Wow. 1 1 11. That’s a good stopping point.

Okay. Thank you Jamie. Amazing.

Wow. Awesome.

Yeah. And next time if I will have better lighting cause this isn’t a very

professional looking, it’s the first one I don’t care. That’s

perfect. It’s the first one. But yeah, I am an endless well of questions, experiences, andries,

so we’ll continue doing this and I will do it with other people too, which will hopefully add to your like vision of thinking about this.

Yeah, I’d love it. Amazing. Thank you Jamie. See

you. You too. All right. Have best night. Bye.

