The religion of “YOU”

Ekim Kaya
Ekim Nazım Kaya
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2022


This is an introduction to the most important article you’ll ever read today.

- You can have a virtually unlimited amount of money.

- Money doesn’t solve every problem, but having a virtually unlimited amount definitely helps.

- And this is not just about money. This is a religion.

- The religion of “YOU”.

- The most important belief that you can ever have.

- We all want things.

- Think about the richest man on earth. Does he want the same things as us? Probably not.

- Because he either already has those things, or he knows that he can easily get them if he wants to.

- He is conscious of abundance. We are not as much.

- Scarcity doesn’t exist in his consciousness. It certainly exists in ours at some level.

- The feeling of lack is there.

- Feeling of lack, by definition, can not coexist with abundance.

- You can either have an abundance or a feeling of lack.

- You don’t get what you want. You get what you are.

- Analogy: A girl (who is a 10) starts talking to a guy (who is a 6.) The guy (who subconsciously knows that he is not attractive enough) gets too excited. He can’t believe that such an attractive girl wants to talk to him. He projects his lack of self-confidence to the girl. And he makes a fool out of himself.

- He didn’t get what he wanted (the attractive girl.) He got what he is (a disappointment.)

- Had he demonstrated self-confidence, he would most probably get a different result.

- He could have easily been perceived as an 8 instead of a 6.

- His subconscious belief prevented him from acting like an 8, and that downgraded him to a 4.

- A sense of lack (of anything) limits our options. A sense of abundance increases them.

- So, we act according to our beliefs about ourselves, and our experience in life is shaped based on those beliefs.

- Hence, the religion of “YOU” exists.

- How do we defy our senses and believe what we -yet- are not?

- The religion of “YOU” has a very practical solution:

- We’ll trick our subconscious minds into believing in unlimited abundance.

- Once you trick your subconscious mind into believing in something, you can consider it done.

- My goal is not to explain how the subconscious mind works. You can do simple research and find out about it for yourself.

- Just know the following: The subconscious mind can process 20,000,000 bits of info per second. The conscious mind can only process 40 bits of info/sec. So the subconscious mind can process 500,000 times more than the conscious mind is able to.

- So, your job is to constantly feed your subconscious mind with information that is not perceivable by your senses yet.

- That’s all you need to do. It will take care of the rest. It will be easier than you think.

- Here’s how we’ll do it:

- You are the owner of every privately-owned asset in the world.

- Think about that for a second. I’ll be covering the details in the next episode.

