The Fathers Heart

Aroha Kara
Ekklesia Young Adults
3 min readMar 8, 2017


Posted on behalf of Kerry-Ann Cooper

See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.

1 John 3:1

Did you know that we belong? We belong to Him, therefore we belong to one another as sibling through Jesus Christ.

We are loved and adored. His word declares it so well.

He chases you. He thinks about you. He chose you. He died for you.

He destined every little detail that makes you up and He thinks it’s good.

He doesn’t love us the same, but He loves us uniquely. If He loses one child, He cannot simply replace them with another child … He needs you.

He needs you to love Him, adore Him, speak to Him … He craves your attention and your time. And He becomes jealous when you give up that perfect moment he wanted you to share with Him, for something else.

One word that God has transformed my life with … family.

When you were saved, you became new, and you were born into a new family. A family that share the same blood — the blood of Jesus Christ. You were born into a family that has many different children; brothers and sisters with varied characteristics, personalities, giftings and anointings. You will clash with them because they are still human and no human is perfect, but you will be reunited because your cause is your common denominator. You’ll fight and you will argue, but like your natural siblings, you will be over it in the next five minutes. You are called, born, placed and destined to be a part of His family.

Family is people. Family is belonging. Family is knowing that you have a part to play. Family is home. Family is food. Family is music and games. Family is weird jokes that no one else will understand. Family is growth. Family is trust. Family is raising the next generation. Family is hyper children dancing around going crazy. Family is freedom of expression. Family is making mistakes and learning together. Family is discipline. Family is encouragement. Family is safety and protection. Family is love.

Family is God’s idea …

The Bible expresses so well, the importance of family. Story after story, scripture after scripture, genealogy after genealogy, I am convinced that my God is obsessed with the culture of family.

Ekklesia is the Greek word meaning ‘the church’. To me, the church means family.

When you received Christ, you literally received a big bunch of siblings. When you accepted the Lord into your heart, you were adopted into a new family. You receive a new home, new clothes, new food, new gifts, new shoes, new name and new siblings.

My two sisters and I were literally raised by our local church. When our father left us at quite young ages, our mama dug her roots deep into God and took on our church music ministry. From three years old I attended prayer meetings, multiple home groups, outreaches, cleansing stream gatherings, 7am band practices, 7pm band practices and multiple visits to church people’s houses. I guess it became normal.

Some terms, my school fees would be paid for by church members. Some weeks we would receive groceries on our door step from an anonymous giver. Even my wedding was partly paid for by my church family.

Church is not an organisation, it’s a family.

I dream of a gathering of young adults who know what it means to be family.

You belong. I belong. We all belong. We are family.

