Is Lord Monckton actually Sacha Baron Cohen?

John Dobbin
eklektikos delectus
1 min readApr 22, 2014

Such a classic interview:

Craig Reucassel interviews comedy genius Sacha Baron Cohen in character as his latest creation: climate skeptic Lord Christopher Monckton.

Graham Readfern from DeSmogBlog asked Reucassel how he managed to interview Monckton:

We literally just asked him for an interview. I had realised from watching him before that he is incredibly keen to talk to people — he’ll do the most pissant interviews with basically anyone. He didn’t want to know any background about us. We just told him that it was for a production company and that it might be shown on the ABC. We didn’t mislead him in any way… The interview was going for quite a while but when I hinted that he might be a comedian, he ignored it. As the interview went on I tried to make it more and more about that — but he just wasn't twigging.



John Dobbin
eklektikos delectus

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