🎇 2022 + 1

Maxime Guilbot
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2023

Another one is behind us. I hope you all had the opportunity to enjoy the holiday season.

Besides the travels, family gatherings, and delicious meals, it’s also a time to reflect and think about the past year: how things have been and could have been.

I have always considered myself lucky, and the past year has been no exception. Lucky to see my children grow, enjoy challenges at work, visit my family last summer, go to Doha for the FIFA World Cup and enjoy the snow for the end of the year.

However, life has been much more complicated for others and in various parts of the world. It’s shocking how in 2022, so many things are still very much broken, and worrying how things can turn out in 2023.

Reflecting on my time at work, I realize that I did not have the proper focus. I have been distracted by tasks and duties that do not have the greatest impact on Ekohe, causing me to lose focus on what matters most. And I didn’t manage to keep my previous New Year resolution either 🙈

2023 will bring big challenges ahead of us, and we will be in a very different place than where we are today a year from now. I’m more curious about what will come than scared about bad outcomes. What’s happening in our industry is exciting, and I’m glad we are part of it.

Finally, I want to conclude with this illustration from Wait But Why. I have seen it many times, but I like to be reminded of it:

We think a lot about those black lines, forgetting that it’s all still in our hands.

We are in the driver’s seat of our own lives and have many life paths open to all of us. Please take a moment to reflect on your professional, family, and personal goals and look ahead!

Wishing you a happy, healthy New Year!

