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🎆 Hello, 2022!

Maxime Guilbot
Published in
2 min readJan 7, 2022


Happy new year! May the upcoming year of the Tiger fill your home and families with happiness, success, and health.

The year 2020 brought the current pandemic, and many had high expectations for 2021. Did it live up to its expectations? It certainly was a demanding year at Ekohe, as we got hit by “The Great Resignation” — shaking our beliefs and questioning ourselves.

Mental and physical health was a recurring topic. Some of us only face a computer screen all day, with no one to talk to but instead write Gitlab comments in Markdown. Keeping a healthy work-life balance and a creative and fun environment gets challenging when you rarely leave the same room and do not have the opportunity to build a connection with your colleagues.

The start of a new year is the opportunity to set new resolutions; writing is one of mine. Travel just got more complicated, and I, unfortunately, don’t have the chance to meet you all face-to-face anymore. The different time zones and busy calendars make it difficult to organize many regular 1–1 meetings.

Writing is a scalable way to communicate my ideas and reach all of you at once, and I only need to get out of my comfort zone and start.

There are no strict and ambitious rules to this new year resolution — I’ll do my best to post regularly about what’s happening at Ekohe, in the tech industry in general, and hopefully, create some excitement and inspire you when you see those posts! I also hope we can generate conversations and exchange ideas. Please feel free to comment and ask questions, don’t be shy!

This year marks Ekohe’s 15 years of existence, which is quite a long time, but I still feel we are just getting started and that there’s still so much to build and improve.

We want to create one of the best workplaces where we can all have fun using technology to impact this world, an ambitious goal pushing us to redefine ourselves as individuals and as an organization constantly. Let’s get to it!


