Thank You Letter to Our Project Managers

Published in
3 min readOct 28, 2016

At Ekohe, we value all our team members. But this month, we want to give a special shoutout to our dedicated and awesome project managers. They work so hard and often don’t get enough recognition for everything they do. But not anymore! Here’s an open thank you letter to all (because why stop at only us?) project managers out there.

Thanks for Taking All the Hits

Project managers are the ones in the frontline when it comes to managing the unexpected. There will inevitably be unforeseen situations arising during the development phase, and PMs have the unique ability to reorganize and reprioritize each task to make sure the project is still on track and on budget. And of course, when surprises emerge during a project, nobody is happy about them…and that’s why we’re saying:

Thanks for Keeping Your Cool

When problems materialize, the project manager is there to put out the fire, no matter the size. On the development end, it’s reassuring for the engineers to know that their PM is there to effectively communicate the issues to them so they can focus on finding a solution, rather than having to calm down a client or handle other operational matters. As a client, it’s comforting to know that someone else is there to worry about your problem for you. PMs know how much clients care about their projects, and they happily carry the burden for them.

Thanks for the Inspiration

Development is hard work. When developers and designers are on a roll, it’s important their momentum doesn’t get interrupted by requests that should not take precedence over the current task on which they’re working. That’s where project managers come in: they really know the team. As a result, they’re able to prevent interruptions in the workflow because they know the right way to add new items to our developers’ task board. They rally the developers and designers when there’s a rush to finish a sprint. They inspire the whole team to find solutions to clients’ problems. And they do this all without taking any of the credit.

Thanks for All the Guidance

Project managers are experts in the field of web and mobile development (or in whichever industry they work). Even if they’re not coding the platforms themselves, they have a thorough understanding of the process and how long it takes to finish a task. They know which features are absolutely necessary for your website and which are not worth going over budget. They know user experience and can guide you to make your product user friendly so your customers would want to come back to it again and again. They consider every detail of digital development so clients can focus on running their business.

In a nutshell, PMs are chief relationship officers, teachers, diagnosticians, cheerleaders…you name it. And we wouldn’t know what we’d do without them, so thank you, PMs!



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We are Ruby on Rails/Machine Learning fanatics. We design, develop, and create digital products that shine. For iOS, Android, and Web.