3 Reasons to Change Your Search Engine To Ekoru Today

Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2019


Change Your Search Engine. Clean Our Oceans.

Ekoru.org is a search engine that donates 60% of it’s revenues to climate change initiatives and allows you to help save the planet by searching and surfing each day. Here are three great reasons to make the change from Google Search and use Ekoru.org exclusively everyday.

1. Every Search Helps Clean Our Oceans

Every search on Ekoru helps clean a pound of garbage from our oceans

When you search with Ekoru.org you’re helping clean our oceans. Every search helps clean a pound of garbage. 150 million pounds of garbage exist in our oceans today with more being dumped every day. Marine pollution is setting us up for catastrophic failures in our food and water supply.

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2. Our Servers Are Powered By Hydro-Electricity

The hydro-electric plant our servers are powered by

Recent estimates are that searches on Google produce 500 kg of CO2 every second. Joana Moll created C02GLE to visualize how much C02 is generated from searches on Google.com.

We’ve decided to place our servers in data centers powered by hydro-electricity. The run of the river plant uses the natural flow of water of the river to generate electricity without the need for a dam or reservoir which may have adverse environmental impacts. Your searches are delivered to you from servers 300 metres away from the hydro-electric plant.

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3. We Respect Your Privacy

We don’t store your search data

According to Business Insider, “When you use Google’s search function to learn about the world, Google is using your searches to learn about you.

We have a strict privacy policy which ensures that we don’t store any of your search data on our servers. Every search you make with us is completely anonymous and all of the data transferred is encrypted.




The search engine that helps clean and reforest our oceans.