Find any place on the planet with just 3 words

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3 min readOct 26, 2020 search engine now supports searching of 3 word addresses! The what3words address system allows you to find any location on the planet with just 3 words.

When you’re exploring new places, finding the right locations is really important. But street addresses aren’t always reliable — they sometimes point to the wrong place entirely, and they’re never accurate enough to direct you to a specific entrance or car park. They also don’t exist for many places, such as where Operation Posidonia is restoring underwater meadows or where to find the best view on Mount Taranaki in New Zealand.

That’s why Ekoru has collaborated with what3words to allow users to enter any 3 word address into the search engine and find the location. Every 3 metre square on the planet has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address.

For example, /// nest.wicked.term will take you to Five Guys in Hollywood for a delicious burger!

Search for a 3 word address in the search engine

If you want to find the 3 word address for any location just use our 3 word map explorer. Search for a long form address or click any location on the map to see the 3 word address as well as a QR code!

Find the 3 word address for a location

For more information about how to use the what3words app — to tell your friends exactly where to meet you or to save the locations of your favourite views simply visit, How to use the what3words app. You can learn more about what3words and how it works here. is an ethical search engine which donates 60% of its revenue to ocean conservation charities and is powered by run-of-river hydroelectricity to ensure every search is as environmentally friendly as possible.



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