Our Oceans Are Under Threat — 13th Dec 2019

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3 min readDec 13, 2019

70% of our planet is covered by oceans and it’s under threat.

This news round up for the week will take you into the weekend with the latest ocean health news from around the world.

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An interactive deep sea guide to the ocean. More fun than scrolling Instagram or Twitter feeds!

Worst polluters of our oceans and no surprise most of them are Big Oil.

Rapidly expanding Dead Zones — ocean patches that are completely devoid of oxygen and unable to sustain life.

A politician that wants the oceans to be their central campaign platform. Bring it on.

Disturbing photo story on the impact of plastics on marine animals.

Spoiler alert, it looks pretty brown.

That’s commitment and passion.

Not cool Australia.

Step one: stop accepting it from developed nations that want to use South East Asia as a dumping ground.

Let’s round it off with some amazing photos of the ocean from space. If you’re a Flat Earther you’ll probably think these are fake…

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