The Mission To Clean Our Oceans Using The Internet

Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2019


Every search helps clean a pound of garbage from our oceans

By switching your default search engine to Ekoru ( ), you can help save our oceans. Every search on Ekoru helps remove a pound of garbage from our oceans. 60% of revenue from the search engine goes to partners such as Big Blue Ocean Cleanup whose mission it is to clean coastal and marine environments.

Big Blue Ocean Cleanup

Big Blue Ocean Cleanup works to prevent and clean ocean pollution and to minimize disturbance from human development and climate change. It’s army of Ocean Ambassadors tackle the problem in marine and coastal environments worldwide.

Every search on Ekoru helps clean a pound of garbage from our oceans

Searches on Ekoru generate an income from sponsored search links. 60% of that income goes straight to our ocean cleanup partners. Thus, every search helps remove garbage from our oceans.

Ekoru uses hydro-electric powered data centers

Ekoru servers are located in green data centers powered by hydro-electricity. This minimizes your carbon footprint on the Internet and ensures that every web search is as green and eco-friendly as possible.

Ekoru keeps your searches private

Ekoru also values your privacy as searches are private and no information about your searches is stored. A privacy search engine like Ekoru gives you peace of mind that you aren’t being watched on the Internet. Every search is also encrypted to keep your data away from prying eyes.

Ekoru Search on computer and mobile

Ekoru works on all mobile phones and computers by simply pointing your browser at . Computer browser extensions for Chrome and Firefox are available that will let you use Ekoru as your default search engine every day. An Android search app is available for mobile with an iPhone version coming soon.

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Download Ekoru Search For Android

According to research from the European Parliament, 150 million tonnes of plastic exit into our oceans today, with 49% of that being single-use plastics such as grocery bags, food packaging, and bottles.

150 million tonnes of plastics in our oceans

It’s often stated that the Great Pacific Garbage patch is arguably “twice the size of Texas”. However, it’s not just the size that’s a problem — it’s the depth and volume of plastic pollutants. The Patch is actually two big patches, one in the east, the other, in the west. For the first time, whales and dolphins have been observed recently entering the patch.

Whales capture four times the CO2 than the Amazon does

Why are whales important? They capture at least 37 billion tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) each year — about four times what the Amazon does. It also generates about 50 percent of all oxygen produced. According to a recent study, whales have long lives, ranging up to 200 years, but when that life is over and the whale sinks to the bottom of the ocean, each one sequesters for centuries an additional 33 tons of CO2, on average. By comparison, a tree absorbs about 22 kilograms of CO2 per year.

Change Your Search Engine. Clean The Oceans.




The search engine that helps clean and reforest our oceans.