Where is US Energy Coming From?

Published in
6 min readMay 4, 2020


Visualization of USA energy generation data for 2019 from renewable and non-renewable sources

The following energy production visualizations have been produced by the Ekoru data analysis team. Ekoru is a environmentally focused search engine that allows users to help clean and reforest the ocean with every search. 60% of Ekoru search revenue goes to partners involved in ocean reforestation and cleanup.

Video summary of USA energy generation by source and state for 2019

The US Energy Information Administration was used as the source for energy data.

The United States Census Bureau was used as the source for 2019 state population data.

Race charts were produced with Flourish Studio with additional offline video editing and conversion.

Note: Renewable energy sources is defined by the US EIA as Wood, Biomass, Hydropower, Geothermal, Wind, and Solar and is segmented as such in the following visualizations.

Total Energy Production in the USA

Natural gas is the largest source of energy generation in the US contributing to 38.41% of US energy.

Texas is the largest producer of energy responsible for 11.71% of national generation.

Alaska had the highest reliance on a single source of energy with 93.21% of production coming from natural gas.

The US generated 4,118,051 GWh of energy
Natural gas was the largest source of energy producing 38.41% of total output
Natural gas was the largest source of energy producing 38.41% of total output
Alaska had the highest reliance on a single source with 93.21% coming from natural gas
Texas produced the most energy of all states comprising 11.71% of national production

Renewable Energy Production in the USA

Renewable energy accounted for 10.85% of total energy generation in the US for 2019.

Wind was the largest source of renewable energy. 41.65% of renewable energy was from wind.

California generated the most amount of renewable energy where 49.18% of it energy was from renewable sources.

Vermont was the greenest state with 99.86% coming from renewable sources.

10.85% of energy generated was from renewable sources
Hydro was the largest source of renewable energy providing 41.65% of total renewable energy
California produced the most renewable energy generating 100,830 GWh
Vermont had the highest proportion of renewable energy with 99.86% of energy being from renewable sources

Per Capita Energy Production

Wyoming produced the most energy per capita with 71.42MWh per person which was 364% above the national average.

North Dakota produced the most renewable energy per capita with 17.79MWh per person which was 455% above the national average.

Wyoming produced the most amount of energy per capita
Wyoming’s per capita energy production was 364% above the national average
North Dakota produced the most amount of renewable energy per capita
North Dakota’s per capita energy production was 455% above the national average

Natural Gas Energy Production

Natural gas produced 38.41% of all energy nationwide.

Texas was the largest producer of natural gas energy

52.79% of the energy supply in Texas came from natural gas.

Texas generated the most amount of energy from natural gas
52.79% of Texas’ energy came from natural gas
Texas produced 254,618 GWh of natural gas energy

Coal Energy Production

Coal produced 23.46% of all energy nationwide.

Texas was the largest producer of coal energy.

19.04% of the energy supply in Texas came from coal.

West Virginia had the highest reliance on coal energy comprising 90.96% of state energy.

Texas generated the most amount of energy from coal
19.04% of Texas’ energy came from coal
Texas produced 91,822 GWh of coal energy

Nuclear Energy Production

Nuclear produced 19.66% of all energy nationwide.

Illinois was the largest producer of nuclear energy.

54.41% of the energy supply in Illinois came from nuclear.

New Hampshire had the highest reliance on nuclear energy comprising 60.76% of state energy.

Illinois generated the most amount of energy from nuclear
54.41% Illinois’ energy came from nuclear
Illinois produced 98,735 GWh of nuclear energy

Wind Energy Production

Wind produced 7.29% of all energy nationwide.

Texas was the largest producer of wind energy.

17.5% of the energy supply in Texas came from wind.

Iowa had the highest reliance on wind energy comprising 41.98% of state energy.

Texas generated the most amount of energy from wind
17.5% of Texas’ energy came from wind
Texas produced 84.429 GWh of wind energy

Hydro Energy Production

Hydro produced 6.65% of all energy nationwide.

Washington was the largest producer of hydro energy.

62.6% of the energy supply in Washington came from hydro.

Washington had the highest reliance on wind energy.

Washington generated the most amount of energy from hydro
62.6% of Washington’s energy came from hydro
Washington produced 40,051 GWh of hydro energy

Solar Energy Production

Solar produced 1.75% of all energy nationwide.

California was the largest producer of solar energy.

13.96% of the energy supply in California came from solar.

District of Columbia had the highest reliance on solar energy comprising 15.06% of state energy.

California generated the most amount of energy from solar
13.96% California’s energy came from solar
California produced 2,540 GWh of solar energy

Wood Fuel Energy Production

Wood fuel produced 0.97% of all energy nationwide.

Georgia was the largest producer of wood fuel energy.

3.78% of the energy supply in Georgia came from wood fuel.

Maine had the highest reliance on wood fuel energy comprising 23.73% of state energy.

Georgia generated the most amount of energy from wood fuel
3.78% of Georgia’s energy came from wood fuel
Georgia produced 4,828 GWh of wood fuel energy

Petroleum Energy Production

Petroleum produced 0.45% of all energy nationwide.

Hawaii was the largest producer of petroleum energy.

69.26% of the energy supply in Hawaii came from petroleum.

Hawaii had the highest reliance on petroleum energy.

Hawaii generated the most amount of energy from petroleum
69.26% of Hawaii’s energy came from petroleum
Hawaii produced 6,837 GWh of petroleum energy

Biomass Energy Production

Biomass produced 0.45% of all energy nationwide.

California was the largest producer of biomass energy.

1.24% of the energy supply in California came from biomass.

District of Columbia had the highest reliance on biomass energy comprising 57.81% of state energy.

California generated the most amount of energy from biomass
1.24% of California’s energy came from biomass
California produced 2,540 GWh of biomass energy

Geothermal Energy Production

Geothermal produced 0.39% of all energy nationwide.

California was the largest producer of geothermal energy.

5.56% of the energy supply in California came from geothermal.

Nevada had the highest reliance on geothermal energy comprising 9.47% of state energy.

California generated the most amount of geothermal energy
5.56% of California’s energy came from biomass
California produced 11,407 GWh of geothermal energy

Pumped Storage Energy Production

Pumped storage lost the equivalent 0.13% of all energy nationwide.

Missouri was the largest producer of pumped storage energy.

0.44% of the energy supply in Missouri came from wind.

Missouri had the highest reliance on pumped storage energy.

Virginia lost the most from pumped storage energy
Missouri produced the most amount of pumped storage energy
Missouri produced the most amount of pumped storage energy
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