Ekta’s Yacht Fest Mastermind — Getting the greatest minds in crypto together in Bali

2 min readOct 7, 2022


With less than a week until Ekta’s Yacht Fest Mastermind, energy levels are out of control at Ekta HQ. The itinerary is packed with amazing sessions, including an exclusive Women of Web3 event, the official Bali Mastermind sessions, and the long-anticipated barebones party on Ekta Island. For those of you who haven’t booked your trip yet, here’s a breakdown of what the Ekta Yacht Fest Mastermind week is all about.

What is Ekta Yacht Fest Mastermind?

Ekta’s Yacht Fest Mastermind is a week-long event where we get together to explore the future of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and Web3. During the event, we’ll give you the chance to join in on workshops, and introduce you to some amazing guest speakers. On 17 October, we’ll transit to Ekta Island where we’ll celebrate with an all-night party.

Why are we hosting Ekta Yacht Fest Mastermind?

Over the past year, our community has grown into a space that’s alive with passionate ideas and great potential. And, since our community is at the core of who we are as a company, we wanted to create an event that would allow all our Ektarians to meet in person and collaborate with some of the brightest minds in Web3.

When and where will it take place?

As we’re sure you know by now, the event will take place on the Indonesian island of Bali from 14 October to 18 October.

Bali Mastermind
14 October — 16 October

Ekta Yacht Fest
17 October — 18 October

Who will be there?

Along with Ekta CEO, Berwin Tanco, and some other well-known Ektarians like NFT_Nick_eth and JohnSmithNFTs, OMAKASEA, along with JessHaley.eth, babyeggroll_eth, AltMomTrades, BlokchainBuddha, Alex Alpert, and Geeks as some of the 10 winners who will be joining us. To get the full itinerary, go to https://balimastermind.io, and join us in Bali for an unforgettable experience.




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