Snowplow 1 — Mailbox 0

Pop fly high into right field…

So this week we got about 30" of snow in 48 hours, hey, it’s winter up here and that’s the way it should be but I was in my cabin writing the other day when I hear a loud “crack” up towards the gate. When I got to the window all I saw was one of these flying by shooting a huge, white rooster tail over my fencing.

I thought nothing of it and returned to my desk and keyboard. A few hours later comes a knock on my door and it was one of my tenants who reported:

“I went up to check the mail and someone stole our mailbox!”

“Why that’s a Federal crime” I retorted.

Upon further investigation, I deduced that the “crack” I heard was the sound of the official state highway plow hitting the 4"x4" post upon which my federally protected mailbox used to perch.

All’s well that end’s well and a claim has been filed with the state and Joseph has a new chore for next week.



Steve Barr's Medium Profile
El Lodge Taos (aka: Moneypit?)

Author, Publisher,Veteran In Residence @ Bunker Labs, Co-Founder & Host at El Lodge Taos , Open Range Steward, Human Rights & Environmental Advocate, Ski Bum.