susan ruiz
5 min readNov 20, 2019

I love being Famous

Hi My name is Carly Mendoza and welcome back to my youtube channel. I know I haven’t posted in about two years but this is a vlog about my life and what happened two years ago . I will start off with the beginning of course, so it all started when I was at my peak as an Instagram model, yes i’m sure you all remember , when I was twenty and I had over 3 million followers just because I would post pics of my body. I loved it, I felt adored and I feel that everyone wanted to be me or be with me , and that feeling kept me going for so long. I would use captions like , “ My eyes are up here #natural “ when it was really a picture of my boobs., and honestly I didn’t care what people thought. At the end of the day I got likes and still had followers so it didn’t matter to me. I would go out with my friends and party like there was no tomorrow because this was my job , posting pictures and looking pretty was my job , I didn’t go to college and I didn’t have to do any real work , I was having the best time. This had been my life for about three years because I started when I was eighteen. It was everything I ever dreamed of. One day my dream came crashing down literally.

My roommate Alissa came to my room and said,

“ Have you seen that video of you on youtube ?”

I immediately felt my hot Cheetos that i was eating come up from the back of my throat.

“ What video? , What are you talking about?”, I said.

“So there’s this guy that’s being a total troll on you and he made a youtube video listing why to unfollow you .” Alissa said quietly.

“ WHAAAAT !!!” I screamed.

Now let’s put a pause on this story guys I just want to clarify that I know a lot of people have trolls and they deal with them everything , so I don’t want anyone calling me dramatic because it’s different for everyone.

Anyway back to the story .

After I had a meltdown I decided to watch this stupid video.

“Show it to me , come on , I wanna see what this idiot has to say about me” I said to Alissa.

“ Umm I dont its a good idea , I just wanted to tell you so you’d know but watching someone say fucked up shit about you isn’t it.” Alissa said.

“ Be honest have you watched it? “ I said with a tone.

“ yeah” she said.

Ugh I couldn’t believe it what the hell she watched it but didnt think I should watch it, I mean I trusted her, but I was too anxious so I decided to watch it on my own.

I found it on this guy’s channel that actually had about two thousand subscribers. I’m sure you guys already know who it is and have seen the video.

It worries me that people subscribed to his channel you know you guys will believe anything on the internet.

So I clicked on it and watch the whole twenty minute video.

I can honestly say it was exhausting everything he said was either lies or his opinion of me. Things like” shes pretty but she’s kinda fat” or my favorite was “ I hate her and if you guys hate you , should all unfollow her cause her body is trash”

I don’t care what one person thought of me I never did that’s what I liked most about me.

But like I said , you guys will fucking believe anything you see on the internet.

Of course my followers dropped and so did my likes and that my social media empire that I had built came crashing down.

None of you who called yourself my “ fans “ did anything I mean I bet your just watching my video , not because you actually care what happened to me but because yall are nosy.

My Ex boyfriend Alex came to me and said

, “ Dont worry ill still take you back”

I mean what ! I told he could go to hell. There was no fucking way I was going back to that asshole.

But yall see what I mean , it was so humiliating.

At first I keep my life normal I kept posting but peoples comments brought me down.

For the first time in my life I cared what people thought and It was the worst feeling ever it felt like I was in jail and I could only get out and be free if I made the other inmates likes me. I mean isn’t the the most ridiculous thing ever. The comments were not even people important I mean it was trolls literal trolls who had no life , who were using fake accounts just to tell me how ugly I was.

I’m sure that if not all , most of my trolls are watching this video right now. All I have to say is , “Fuck you”.

Sorry guys I got distracted by the monsters , anyway, now I’m going to be telling you what happened after , you know after the storm ,the lighting went down.

I become self — conscious as if I wasn’t already before the video , and unfortunately I became addicted to drugs.

I know what you’re all thinking , that i’m a cliche , and I am.

It happened to everyone right they love being famous like I once did and all of a sudden their drug addicts. But it’s the truth sometimes it’s big or little things that make us fall down the wrong path, and the truth is I fell hard.

I didn’t want to do this vlog at first cause , I don’t owe you anything.

But I thought it was still important for people to hear my story even though it was short and to the point. I rarely had vlogs on youtube because well I was more focused on instagram but I hope that this video made at least some of you realize it’s not okay to be trolls.

It’s not okay to hate someone you don’t know and be so cruel as to make a video says why everyone else should hate them.

I am glad to say that I recently got out of rehab and it was so hard , by far the hardest thing I ever had to do , but challenges are hard because they are worth it, that’s something my dad taught me.

As you guys can see i’m not filming this video where i usually filmed them , I had to move back with my parents so that they could help me after I got out of rehab and It feels good. As for me and alissa we stated friends but we don’t see each other that often. I’m happy and it’s a privilege because I know most people aren’t happy with their life and I can finally say I am.

Well there it is this is my story and I hope you guys learned more about me and please subscribe to my channel because I plan to come back to social media but I will now only do travel blogs. Thank you all for hearing me out. Byeee!