It Started Off With the Notes

sheray johnson
El Sereno Community Garden
8 min readOct 8, 2019

It started off with the notes. I watched from a distance as the girl barely opened her locker to keep more from spilling out. She kept her head low, her long brown hair protecting the sides of her face, like curtains blocking out the sun. Some of the notes were taped to the outside of course, so when I squinted I was able to read a few that said “Worthless Whore” and “The World Would Be Better Off Without You.” I couldn’t help but think about who might’ve wrote that. Why was it so important for them to humiliate her in public this way?

“Aliyah!” I turned my head in the direction that my name was called and see Ana jogging up to me.

“There you are I was looking all over for you.” She said slightly out of breath. “Are you okay?”

I didn’t realize that I was still staring at the girl.

“Yeah I’m fine let’s go.” I say turning around slowly in deep thought.

“So, are you ready for homecoming tonight?” She says excitedly.

“Yeah, I just hope my hair turns out the way I planned.” I mutter.

“It better because you need to look perfect when you receive your crown.” She sings. There’s a rumor going around that I was going to win homecoming queen. I didn’t really care though. I just wasn’t feeling it today, something was off.

“I honestly think you should be crowned.” I say while looping my arm around hers.

“You think so?” She replies shocked.

“Yes. You fit the role better.” I smile.

“Maybe I do but you deserve it.” she says with a genuine smile. We continue walking down the hallway out into the parking lot relieved of the long school day.

I take one last breath before I step into the beautifully decorated gym. There were several people getting punch from the food area, most people hadn’t arrived yet.

“Hey!” Ana appeared in front of me in a short l, flared light pink dress. Her hair was pinned up with loose curls hanging on the sides. She was gorgeous.

“You look so good.” I say astonished.

“So do you, and your hair came out perfect.” I had worn a long silver gown that shimmered in the light every time I moved. My hair was pinned in a low bun in contrast to Ana’s high bun.

“Thank you. I was planning on-”, before I could finish speaking Jared appeared behind Ana and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Hey.” She smiled up at him.

“I was looking everywhere for you.” He looked up at me, “Hey Aliyah.”

“Sup.” I reply dully. Jared has been Ana’s boyfriend since freshman year. I didn’t really like him though. The way he treated people wasn’t always fair and he’s the type to do anything it takes to get what he wants. Last year, he even had the nerve to tell me to quit sulking and get over my sisters death. I never told Ana because she was happy with him, and I didn’t want to ruin that. I suddenly felt very emotional.

“Can you guys excuse me for a sec?” I say quickly.

“Of course.” Ana says looking concerned.

I speed walk to the double doors leading to the inside of the school. I realized that more people were starting to arrive. Calmness swept over me as I stepped into the quiet, empty hallway. I took a few steps forward, the sound of my heels echoed in the hallway. I stopped suddenly realizing that I wasn’t the only one here. The girl from earlier was at her locker empty it’s contents into an black trash bag. I heard drastic sniffling. She suddenly stopped and looked up at me. I took a few steps forward towards her with caution. She flinched and backed away, eyes full of fear. Was she scared of me?

“Hey hey it’s ok.” I say softly. “I’m not gonna hurt you, I promise.” She stopped backing away and I slowly walk all the way up to her.

“What’s your name?” She didn’t say anything. I look inside of her locker and pick up one of the crumbled papers that read Malory is a SLUT. I gently grab the trash bag out of her hand and dump what’s left of the locker inside.

“Look Malory, everything is going to be okay. Soon you’ll be graduating and won’t have to worry about ever seeing anyone here at this school again.” I assure her.

“No it won’t.” she whispered, tears pouring down her face. “You don’t understand, you don’t know what it’s like. This humiliation is so overwhelming, I can’t take it anymore. It all started after my father died, when it happened I didn’t know who I was anymore and I started to change. People noticed and just started making fun me, like I was some kind of joke.” She studders. “This is nothing, this is just a sprinkle on the cake.” She says pointing to the lockers. “I honestly can’t take it anymore, you know maybe the world would be better off without me.”

I grab each of her hands in mines. “Listen to me.” I say demandingly. “Don’t you ever say that okay? You belong in this world whether you believe it or not, and I promise you that your purpose will find you. I don’t ever want to hear you speak about leaving this world okay?” I didn’t realize that I was crying. “I once had a sister. She was beautiful and smart. She played sports, she had goals. She had a family, she had a life.” I wipe my eyes with the back of my hands not caring that my makeup was ruined. “What we didn’t realize was that she was bullied. She was bullied beyond measures but none of us knew. She seemed fine, she never showed it. Until one day we came home to a letter, but it was too late. She had already decided to take her own life.”

Malory just stared with a blank look on her face.

“I don’t want you to end up like her.” I sniffle. “Do me a favor and fight, fight through this for her. Prove to the world that what people think or say doesn’t define you. It only makes you stronger.” I move her hair from in front of her face. Please, do it in honor of my sister, someone who went through exactly what you go through now.”

I stare at her and she nods, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Thank you. I needed to hear that.” She wipes her face and closes her locker. The music gets quieter as they must be announcing the winners of King and Queen.

“Are you coming inside?” I gesture towards the gym.

“Of course not!” she says, fear returning to her eyes.

“I think you should. I wanna try something.” I say grabbing her wrist and leading her towards the double doors. I must have walked in right on time because the students immediately began to applaud and cheer. Their applause slowed though when people saw my ruined makeup and who I had with me. We continued up to the stage in front of everyone. A crown was placed on my head and the lights dimmed while another light was focused on me. I grab the microphone.

“I know you’re probably wondering what’s going on and why I have her with me.” I gesture towards Malory who was staring at the audience blankly. I heard a rush of murmurs throughout the crowd.

“This girl is being bullied.” I say loud enough so that everyone in the gym could hear, including any adults on the sidelines. “Her name is Malory. I bet half of you didn’t know that.” I pause. “But the other half of you do right, or else you wouldn’t be able to write it on the notes you put in her locker.” The gym goes silent.

“She is being bullied here at this school beyond measure and it needs to come to an end. It’s GOING to come to an end.” I say demandingly. “This girl has a family. She has hopes and dreams that she want to fulfill in life, but how can she do that if she’s constantly being told that she doesn’t belong?” I look around the audience slowly. “How can she possibly feel ANY sense of joy with you all bullying her? This is absolutely inhumane and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.” I didn’t realize I was crying again. “Last year around this time my sister killed herself. Why? Because of people like you who made her feel like she wasn’t good enough. People who knew NOTHING about her.” I spat. “I don’t want Malory, or any other student to end up like her. THIS HAS TO END!” I yell. “So before you examine anyone and their actions, examine YOURSELF and make sure your not the cause of such a thing.One day along the road of your life, you WILL pay for your actions. So make a change today and be the joy in someone’s life. Not the curse. Malory dreads coming to this school every single day, but she has to. I don’t know what she’s ever done to any of you or how you feel towards her, but this WILL be the last day that you hurt her.” I nod in Mallory’s direction.

“Thank you.” I say.

Everyone in the gym erupted into applause. I took the crown off of my head and place it onto Malory’s.

“This is so that you can remember this night.” I smile. She quickly wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. “I don’t know what to say. This doesn’t feel real.” She whispered.

“It’s okay. It’s 100% real.” I assure her.

The following day I step into the hallway headed towards my locker feeling good about last night. I think that maybe I accomplished something until I see it. Malory at her locker again overflowing with more notes. My heart dropped. I rush over to her and yank her locker further open.


I realized everyone was staring at us with smiles on their faces. I looked over at Malory who had a smile on her face that I had never seen before. I was flooded with joy and have her a hug. “Thanks again.” She said softly.

“No, thank you.” I smiled.

