Lazy Edwin vs the Rebel

Edwin Carreno
El Sereno Community Garden
1 min readSep 24, 2019

Lazy Edwin is

a nuisance and crazy

Lazy Edwin is

addicted to Zebra Cakes

Lazy Edwin is

someone who doesn’t work

Lazy Edwin hates

to work with abusive supervisors

Lazy Edwin won’t

shut up about reality television

Lazy Edwin comes up

with the most insane and cheesy ideas.

Lazy Edwin

has a dark side

The rebel

is an insubordinate person at work

The rebel

disobeys everyone even the boss

The rebel

knows how to annoy coworkers that deserve it

The rebel

will expose your embarrassing secrets

The rebel

is obsessed with Love & Hip Hop

The rebel

doesn’t listen to hip hop

The rebel
has a problem with profanity

The rebel

can’t shut the fuck up.

