
David Gonzalez
El Sereno Community Garden
4 min readOct 29, 2019

I can’t believe it; why did god hate me so much, I thought. How fortunate was I to have a physics, calculus, and chemistry midterm all on the same week. What had I done to receive such a torturous punishment?

No, stop thinking negative, you got this Patrick breathe, I told myself.

I took in a deep breath of cold air flowing in the hallways of the building. I continued and looked at my book and kept away at my studies. Before I knew it, I was already close to being done, however I needed a break. I stood up to walk around and gave my mind a small break. I went to the restroom, took a while in there I can’t remember why, then drank some water. I passed by the windows and my jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe my eyes the windows were darkened and the lights of the buildings around were dancing swiftly. I pulled out my phone in one swift motion and I noticed the time read 11:45 PM.

Fuck, I thought to myself, how is that even possible? There’s no way that time flew that fast.

The speaker head came on and said, “please make sure to collect all your belongings, the library will be closing in 15 minutes.”

I quickly gathered all my things and left the building. This wasn’t the first time I had walked out of the library so late. I took the same route that I always did. The night seemed calm and peaceful, it was quite beautiful actually. The moon was out, shining its white rays. I still had quite a distance to walk since when I had arrived, the parking lot was packed with cars; the only parking spot I found was a good far off, it was close to the yellow and blue swirly colors, dancing around.

As I was walking towards my car, I took out my ear phones, plugged them into my phone and into my ears. However, at that instant I heard a sound behind me. It was like something was running across the cement floor. I turned to see what it was however, I saw nothing. I didn’t know whether I was just hearing things, or it was actually something. I decided ear phones might not be the best thing to wear at that time. So, I decided to store then away

I continued my way to my car. I didn’t think much of it although it did make me a little more cautious of my surroundings. Within fifteen feet of the car, I heard something running through the bushes and high plants. The sound of something rubbing up against bushes, the crackling sound of every stick, the snapping of every branch, as whatever it was stepped on it. However, I noticed that the noise was now coming from directly in front of me.

I quickly rushed to my car. I didn’t know what was making that noise nor did I ever want to find out. I shoved my key into the driver’s side of the door and turned it. The lock didn’t pop up. For some reason it didn’t want to open. I had to open the car through the passenger’s side of the car. As it turned around there it was, this large beast was on all four. It had a large toothy grin. Its fur was so reflective of the light. Blood and flesh still stuck in between each tooth. It had huge claws they oddly looked like well-groomed claws and they were sharpened like knifes. I was scared, so scared I felt like I was going to shit myself. I was frozen with fear; I couldn’t move.

What the fuck is wrong with me, I said internally. Move you fucken idiot, why am I just staring at it like if I was having a staring competition with it.

It kept imitating my every movement. When I moved my leg back it also took a step back. Oddly, I felt like we had some sort of connection. I felt its impulse to hurt me. Yet, that impulse seemed like it was the right thing to do. It lunged forward at me quicker than I could react.

I felt my skin burn as it sliced my arms open with its claws. I felt my blood begin pouring out of my arms. All I could do was try to fight back. I pushed, kicked, screamed, and hit it but it seemed to be unphased by my efforts. Nobody could hear my wailing and agonizing pain. I felt my life slip away with every deep cut it made. My eyes slowly closed, my efforts became weaker and weaker and I stopped.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps, a siren, then a beeping noise. I opened my eyes. I was in a hospital bed with bandages around my wrists and I was now wearing a light blue gown. I was so confused. My parents were by my side, crying. I didn’t understand, did they save me from the hideous monstrosity. I called out to them faintly, however my mouth seemed to be swollen.

“Mom? Dath? Whath going on?”, I called out looking at my cut-up arms.

I told them the whole story about my adventures with the beast. My mom began to cry.

“Son. That’s not what happened. You drugged yourself pretty heavy yesterday in the school library. They found you passed out with a pocket blade in your hand. You…you…cut yourself son. The library workers saw you fighting yourself screaming, from the 3rd floor. They called 911 and by the time they got to you, you had passed out.”

