
Bethany Sosa
El Sereno Community Garden
2 min readNov 5, 2019
Photo by Mohammad Metri on Unsplash

My mother asked me, “Why do you always listen to music? What’s so special about it?”.

So I removed my earphones and said to her:

It’s the voice you need to hear when you feel the most vulnerable.

The company you need,

When you’re all alone.

Through the beats and rhythm,

It leaves you in a trance.

It calls to you like the pied piper,

Leaving you thinking of nothing else.

Like mothers, it wants nothing but the best for its children.

She hands you that warm cup of milk on nights you can’t sleep.

She picks you up when you fall.

She’s there to wipe your tears,

Never once making you feel ashamed of your feelings.

Music is the night when the day becomes too bright.

Music is stronger than glue.

Music is the hand that helps you in times of need.

For anything, you’re going through,

She will enhance those feelings.

She will be the soundtrack to your life.

To cry with you when you’re upset.

To ease your worries right before that important interview.

To give you hope when all else is lost.

To open a new room when you feel suffocated.

To walk you down the aisle on your big day.

And then, to sit with you as your last breaths are drawn out, reliving the past.

