My best friend, Robin Hood

Lesly Lopez
El Sereno Community Garden


I had seen her around, she rocked Gucci like it was average clothes. She seemed humble but no one I ever knew from Calabasas was. She ordered the same thing every day, Strawberry Acai with two pumps of raspberry. I knew nothing about her yet she grabbed my attention, she was mysterious and very beautiful but everyone stayed away from her. She was nice, I wanted to be her friend but I was just a Starbucks barista, the wealthy never paid attention to me.

She was different while other girls came in with a group of friends or lovers, she was always alone.

One day I was closing and she came in, and she gave off anxiety to me she seemed nervous.

I asked her, “Will it be the usual?”

She was out of breath but she said, “No, I’ll have a coffee with two shots of espresso”.

I’d never expect her to order that drink but she did. She asked where the restroom was, and I directed her towards it. I’d also figured she’d know where the restroom was since she came to Starbucks every day.

I began to make her drink. As I was making her drink a man walked in, he had a white shirt with red stains on it, he was bald and seemed angry.

I told him, “I’ll be with you in a minute, sir”

He asked if I had seen a woman comes in with a long coat, about 5’8, with brown hair. I knew he was describing her but I said no. He seemed frustrated and he walked out and slammed the door, I am glad he didn’t question whose drink I was making.

I walked into the restroom to check on her, when I opened the door she seemed frightened and I saw that she was bleeding from her arm. I offered to help.

“A man came looking for you a few seconds ago but I told him you weren’t here,” I said.

She smiled and she said, “Thank you”. She introduced herself as, “My name is Demi Rawling”. But I already knew that. She stayed in the restroom and I went to close up the store. I told her the coast was clear for her to leave. She asked if I could walk with her so I did but the only car in the parking lot was mine, I was confused.

We stood outside and we began to talk it was just casual conversation, then I asked her about the man, she asked me if I could keep a secret. At this point I already felt like a witness to a crime I knew nothing about but little did I know things were about to change. We drove off in my car, she was telling me where to turn and go. I was definitely far from home, it was dark, we were up in the mountains but I could see the stars, they were so beautiful. I had never seen the stars, where I was from.

In the back of my mind all I could think about was if she was taking me away to kill me. I asked her where we were heading and she said her house. I know I see her everyday but she was still a stranger a stranger I wanted to befriend.

We drove and drove, I saw so many big houses, the type of houses I only dreamed of and we finally arrived at her house, her house was gated with a driveway with statues that looked like they belong in Rome, the front doors were so big it felt like the doors to heaven, it was the most beautiful house on the block.

We walked in the house it felt like I was walking into the Caesar palace in Las Vegas, I have never been to Vegas. But i remember seeing advertisements for it pop up on my phone. We went to her living room and she served me water. I didn’t know what to say.

She asked me if I spend most of my time driving strangers to their big Calabasas houses. I didn’t know whether to tell her I noticed her or if to just laugh. I laughed.

She told me about how her family did horrible things to obtain the money, they were murdered for it so she was left alone. She didn’t agree with the things her family had done so she began to try to make up for It.

Demi said, “To some people I am like robin hood but nobody around here knows it, I know they will come for me next not because I was involved but because of my last name. every day I try to turn all of this dirty money and give back to communities and people in need.”

I was surprised I think this was the mystery I was waiting for, we started to talk about other things after that and I realized we had a lot in common. She could have been a great friend and after that day she was. She wasn’t just another privileged rich girl, like some others I have encountered.

From that day we went out like normal friends and did normal things like go to the movies, theme parks and she continued to do her deeds but I never knew about them. Most days she would pay, but I’d try to pay as well. It was almost her birthday and I decided I wanted to get her a gift. Did rich people even need gifts ? I don’t quite know. But I got her a music box that was carved with our favorite harry potter quotes and the Harry Potter theme song. On the top lid was my name craved, it read, “From Sara to my best friend”.

On her birthday I showed up to her house, I was so excited to give her the gift. As I was driving I noticed police helicopters which i thought was weird around this area. I made it to her home and went to the front door to knock.

“I got you a gift” I said.

“You shouldn’t have, I don’t celebrate birthdays,” she said.

“But you haven’t seen what I got you I think you’ll love it” I responded.

She opened the gift and she cried, I thought they were happy tears until she began to scream. She gave it back to me and she said she couldn’t accept it. I tried to walk inside the house to calm her down but she pushed me away. I pushed the door back and I saw blood on the floor. She told me to go away, “I never want to see you again’’ she said. She got me frustrated and angry, I threw the music box at her door and left.

It was two weeks later, I was at a Buffalo Wild Wings, on one of the news televisions they talked about how she was found dead. I was devastated. I knew that meant they had finally got to her. When I came home, there was a guy in a limo, he got out and walked towards me, he looked familiar, it was the guy from the Starbucks. “Aren’t you the murderer?” I asked him. He didn’t respond and he handed me a yellow envelope and left.

I opened the envelope at home and there was a check. The check was more 3 billion dollars. All it was a note that said, “To my best friend, love Demi”

Holy crap I have 3 billion dollars.

