My Brother Max

Lesly Lopez
El Sereno Community Garden
3 min readOct 30, 2019

It’s been two weeks since my brother died, today was his funeral and I had to give a eulogy. It was a gloomy day; all the family was there. I’ve never seen so many family members united, all these people that were blood but never around.

My brother joined the army right after high school, he was deployed out to Afghanistan and a few weeks later went missing. The army sergeants came to knock on our door saying they founded his body in some cabin out there and he was dead.

“How are you doing honey?” Aunt Nina said.

“I am fine Nina” I said.

“Tragic what happened to him, I am sorry for your loss. I know you were close”, Nina said.

“and happy birthday to you as well”

This was the only date available and I didn’t mind, me and Max were really close. We balanced each other out and he always had a great sense of humor. Sometimes he would be a pain but I still loved him.

“Are you ready for your eulogy? We are about to start,” my mom asked.

“Yeah, I just hope I get through it without crying.” I said, “I swear I can’t believe he is really gone, I can see him everywhere I go, I just keep staring at the casket and it all feels like a dream”

Everyone went inside and had a seat, I could hear people crying. I wanted to cry to but I know he wouldn’t like me to cry at his funeral. The priest went ahead and did his praise speech thing, and he called me out to do my eulogy. I was so nervous to go up and the room fell silent. I could feel my voice weaken and the tears start to come.

“My brother was my best friend, he kept me sane and he was very misunderstood. He was funny, he was kind and he had a good heart…” I said.

I was distracted by someone who had walked in. When they opened the door, the sun was bright and they sat all the way in the back. I continued my speech but I couldn’t speak without breaking down, I read straight from my notes.

“Wherever he is right now I know he is watching over me, I am going to miss him so much…” I started to cry again, “I love you brother, but I have to let you go”

I could hear someone clapping in the background and I was so confused, what kind of disrespectful person claps at a funeral. The claps got closer and the person came closer, it was a boy he was covered by a hoodie.

“Nice speech, a little basic though” said the person.

The voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t really hear it that well. The man lifted up his hoodie and everyone began to laugh. I had never been so confused.

“Happy birthday sis, you just got pranked!” said Max.

A bunch of people with cameras start rushing out of the corners recording me.

“what the fuck, what the… what is this?” I said.

“I faked my death for a TV show, and pranked you for your birthday” he said, “before you ask how I pulled it off, I quit the army after a week it was too hard to be away, I was on my way home and I got stopped by a guy in a limo telling me I had a face for Hollywood and if I wanted to be a part of there new prank show, and the rest is history.”

“This is sick, even for you, just why? Why would you do that I was miserable for weeks crying over you and I don’t even know how to feel” I said.

“We are getting 1 million dollars out of this,” he said.

“In that case this wasn’t so bad,” I said.

I was angry but I am glad I still had my brother and he wasn’t dead. I know now to appreciate what I have while I have it, even if it is a twisted little brother.

