My Road

Bethany Sosa
El Sereno Community Garden
1 min readSep 19, 2019
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

My road is not

A road where the weather is always sunny and the birds are singing.

My road is not

A road where I will walk lightly on flowers, not afraid of the thorns underneath.

My road is not

going to be a reflection of another’s.

My road is not

A road that suddenly has a dead end, leaving me stranded and helpless.

My road is

bumpy and has turns that might make me dizzy.

My road is

where all of my mistakes and decisions come together to mingle.

My road is

My reassurance that I’m alive; where I can stop to breathe in the cold air, keeping me awake.

My road is

my own and nobody can take it from me.

