My story

Cindy Mateo
2 min readNov 20, 2019


As usual go to math class 1010, sit for 5 hours all bored. Nervous that we will fail this subject. But we need to pay attention and have a mindset to never give up. Math test every Friday. Means every friday is nothing but pressure. Math test for what? Like everyone says “unnecessary things need to be learned” “we won’t even need math in the future”. My friend Max doesn’t care if he learns or not, what matters is that he passes the tests. He said he will find any type of way to pass the class and to pass the test.

My friend Max hasn’t been to class for a month. Finally Friday came and Max decided to come to class. Max says,

“Robert what have we been doing for class”.

Robert says, “Max today we have a quiz”

Max says, “Really? :0

It’s okay I will pass the test. I usually do not even study, and I still pass the test.

Robert says, “Okay well goodluck with the test.”

Max says, “Thank you, good luck too :D”

** 1:00

(Test has started)

Max leans over my shoulder

Robert says, “Move! The professor is going to think we are copying each other

Max says, “ I need help with the test. I don’t know what I have to do”

Robert ignores him and continues doing his test

Max leans over once again and looks at Roberts answers.

Robert noticies that Max is trying to copy. Robert didn’t think it was fair to copy since he hasn’t even attended class. Robert decided to trick Max and he started putting random and then I quickly fix them after Max was done, and turned my test after he was done copying. The best was on the day we got the tests back, and the teacher called Max to stay after class so they can speak about the test. Max got in trouble for copying and was dropped from the class. He didn’t pass the test and neither the class.

