Please stay

Diana Martinez
El Sereno Community Garden


Let’s go eat Pho just one last time ‘

Let’s go to that sandwich place just one last time

I promise it’ll be fun

Please stay

We still haven’t had our picnic on the beach like we planned

We still haven’t gone to Six Flag like we planned

There’s too many things to do

Please stay

I don’t want to be without you

I don’t want to do anything with anybody else

I can’t

Please stay, please just stay

What can I do to convince you?

What if I buy us tickets to see your favorite soccer team?

What if I fix my attitude?

What if I go with you?

What if you wait another week?


But what would that fix?

You would still be the selfish man that you are

You would still think you life comes before mine

You’ll resent me

You’ll hate me

Please go

Go live your life

Go better yourself and your career

This is for the best

Maybe you’ll come back a better man

Maybe you’ll come back and love me more

Maybe you’ll come back happier

But wait…

I’ll miss you

I’ll also be thinking of you

I’ll lose my mind being alone

But what does that matter

Because there you go boarding the plane

And I’m left whispering, please please stay

