The Perfect Day

David Gonzalez
El Sereno Community Garden
4 min readSep 19, 2019

There we were, laying down next to each other at the top of a hill. The green, dark and comfortable grass underneath us, gently accepting us. It was at that one park at the end of Hilton Ave…I don’t remember the name…Damn it.

Anyways, Diana’s beautiful shimmering brown eyes glowing in the summer sun. Her skin was a light cream color in the darkened shade. Her black, shinny, luscious hair danced along with the trees and grass, swaying with the cool breeze. She looked fantastic, simply beyond belief.

We said nothing to each other for a moment. We simply enjoyed each other’s presence and nothing more. I had never experienced something so peaceful.

I really enjoyed my time with her. It was as if time stopped and allowed us to enjoy each other’s company.

I had known her for a while now, since freshman year in high school to be exact. Throughout that time, there had not been a moment where I didn’t enjoy hanging out with her.

Diana was my type of girl. She was a smart self-possessed woman at the top of her game.

Yet, I lacked the courage to ask the “big” question. Every time, I would try to speak what my heart-felt, blabbering words about the dumbest and most random things would come out.

In this pondering moment, I realized I was staring at her for too long. She caught me.

“Stop looking at me like that weirdo”, she said in a laughing manner.

“Oh please. I wasn’t even looking at you. I was staring at the birds that landed behind you”, I replied jokingly.

“Not everything is about you, you know”

She laughed.

“What are you talking about? Everything is about me”, she said laughing.

“Sure, yeah whatever floats your boat, Diana”

I slowly tried to muster up the courage to ask.

“Hey, so how did that date with Brian go?”

“Oh, that thing. Yeah it was really boring”, she replied, “He started talking about the weather and the chemistry behind it works or something along the lines. Or was it something about his insurance and how it works. I don’t really know honestly. I stopped paying attention after a while. I just stayed to hang out with him because I felt bad. He had tried so hard to get me to go on that date with him.”

“Is that why you chose to go out with me, today. You felt bad?” I said jokingly.

“Maybe…” she said. She looked at me with big eyes glancing left and right.

I laughed.

“No of course not Dominic. You’re a really great person to be around. I’ve known you for so long and the only time I’ve ever been bored with you was that time we had to do that stupid science fair project. Plus no one else understands my randomness or spontaneous behavior. That and you’re the only one that can support my moodiness”, she said.

Yes! I’m in. I thought to myself.

I have an opportunity, I said to myself, as a smile spread out on my face. I felt my face get slightly red and hot. I tried to control my facial expressions.

She noticed.

The odd thing about Diana was that she knew how to read people well. It was her superpower.

She must’ve picked up that I really liked her.

Surprisingly, she moved in quickly to kiss me.

Before I knew it, our lips were locked together.

At that moment my mind was blank. All I can think of was how much I was enjoying the moment.

Her bright red lipstick now remained on my lips.

“Well that was fucking amazing.” I said.

She smiled at me, blushing.

At that point, the sun was starting to set. We could see the bright red and yellow rays coming off the sun hiding behind a dark green hill in the distance.

She leaned her head gently on my shoulder, as we watched the sun go down.

It was exactly how I wanted it to play out. It was as if I had some type of power to display this beautiful scenery, to make the moment magical.

It was my time to ask the big question. Everything was perfectly aligned. Except for that tiger rolling around in the grass like a dog. But apart from that it was exactly how I wanted it to play out. It was as if I had some type of power to display this beautiful scenery, to make the moment magical.

I mumbled the words, “W..would you like….”

Suddenly, I was interrupted by a loud, annoying, repeating, alarm sound.

It sounded like my alarm clock.

From the middle of the most wonderful dream, the most amazing dream I had ever had, I was sharply brought back to reality.

I felt such an initial anger at my alarm, as it rang away with its annoying vibrations. I should’ve known that the tiger was a figment of my imagination, why didn’t I get the hint. I took a long slow breath of air with my flaring nostrils.

I jumped of my soft cushioned bed and stumbled through the hallway, rubbing my eyes, getting ready to start the day.

