Sustainability in our portfolio: Pricing HUB

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2 min readJun 3, 2024

As part of the 2023 Elaia Sustainability Report, we’re featuring startups from the portfolio that stand out for their commitment to ESG. First up, Pricing HUB.

To read our full 2023 Sustainability Report, click here.


Pricing HUB’s mission is to help retailers and e-commerce leaders protect their margins by putting the customer at the centre of the pricing decision.

Case study

Pricing HUB has developed an Environmental Responsibility Action Plan to focus on three different areas:

Awareness & training via:

  • In-house participation in workshops to train their teams in the environmental challenges of digital technology and eco-design
  • With Pricing HUB customers by training users in the challenge of res- ponsible digital pricing such as data consumption optimisation
  • Pricing HUB is also a founding member of the Pricing for the Planet initiative, a think tank on a mission to build the first community-based learning plat- form that makes sustainability in business easy to understand and apply.

Collaboration with responsible suppliers:

  • Preferably selecting quality suppliers who share Pricing HUB’s high environmental values, while being able to offer high quality services.
  • Working with suppliers such as Cloudworks Barcelona (B-Corp coworking) or Fleet Solution for eco-responsible IT equipment management

Reach carbon neutrality:

  • Pricing HUB’s ambition is to be carbon neutral by 2030 via several initiatives: carbon offsets of incompressible emissions & energy optimisation

These three areas have resulted in a thorough action plan both with short- term ‘quick wins’ and with longer-term strategic goals over a three-phased approach.

These include increasing awareness & training opportunities for the Pricing HUB team, operational optimisation and an environmental footprint assessment in the short-term, while moving into an extended digital footprint management solution and a full suite of impact reports, certifications and audits as they move towards their goal of carbon neutrality by 2030.

