Sustainability in our portfolio: SESAMm

Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2024

As part of the 2023 Elaia Sustainability Report, we’re featuring startups from the portfolio that stand out for their commitment to ESG. Next up, SESAMm.

To read our full 2023 Sustainability Report, click here.


SESAMm’s mission is to transform the ESG industry by bringing more trans- parency to the market and help companies monitor for positive impact and align with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They have developed an NLP algorithm that intelligently reads through billions of articles, blogs, etc. to provide accurate insights to top financial institutions worldwide on ESG and positive impact indicators.

Harnesses the power of AI to deliver ESG controversy insights at scale, ena- bling clients to mitigate risks, reduce costs, and make faster, more informed decisions.

Case study

SESAMm is deeply involved in the field of ESG which represents close to 50% of its activities and actively develops ESG and UN SDG (positive impact) data on millions of public and private companies. As a trusted advisor to many of the largest financial institutions and corporate ESG teams, SESAMm’s mana- gement is highly sensitive to ESG and CSR subjects and therefore has built an internal ESG roadmap to detail key actions the company has taken and plans to implement.

In 2023, SESAMm implemented several new actions, including:

  • Monthly climate awareness workshops with La Fresque du Climat
  • The development of a complete career and training path for each SE- SAMm employee
  • The publication of several governance documents, including an anti-cor- ruption charter and a supplier commitment charter
  • The implementation of a compensation & benefits committee
  • Joining Bpifrance’s Coq Vert initiative, which unites eco-conscious French companies dedicated to ecological and energy transition.
  • Alongside an internal CSR working group, SESAMm has also defined a network of HR policies that cover compliance, internal procedures, ethics and working conditions & supplier sustainability. These policies have been devised to en- sure SESAMm’s values resonate across all levels of the company.

