Final Reflection Essay

Elana’s Digital Blog
7 min readApr 27, 2022

The web today as we know it has become so beneficial to our everyday life. It has allowed us to do so many new things just with a few clicks of a button. Understanding what the web 2.0 practices has done for us has allowed us to stay connected and communicate easier with one another. Yet, with what the internet has to offer, is all of it good? There are endless amounts of amazing opportunities that have come out of the web such as being able to share information faster than ever before with people whenever and or wherever you want and we are able to look up information so much faster with just a click of a few buttons. Although there are so many good things that come along since the creation of the web 2.0 there are some negative factors that can be assisted with it. With that being said, not everything people are posting on the internet is true, and the hate people are receiving when they post on the web has caused many issues. These factors have become very problematic features that became associated with problems that have come out since the creation of the web 2.0. With all this being said, what even is the web 2.0? What makes it different from the web 1.0? The web 2.0 was the use of the internet that started to allow people to comment and share their opinions on what people posted. This is different from the web 1.0 where that was never an option. Having people being able to respond right there on the spot from what people have posted and said has made a huge difference and how the web used to be. Since the start of this response type of communication factor of the web, it has made a big impact easily due to the high use of social media.

Since the creation of the web 2.0 there has become a major shift in America and also nationally in terms of the way we use it. Starting off with the positive aspects that have come along with this creation of the web 2.0. These are being able to share information faster with one another whenever and also wherever, as well as we are able to find information that we are looking for with just a few clicks of a button. Starting with the idea that we are now quickly able to stay connected with each other by posting something whenever we want has completely changed the way the internet used to be. This mainly has become the way it is because of social media. Since the creation of this and people being able to post whatever they want most of the time given there still are some things that have restrictions, has allowed for such a change on how we share information. Whether it is someone sharing a photo of their dinner they just cooked, a comment about your favorite restaurant you are eating at, or even a company posting something about a problem that they are addressing, the web has allowed for easy sharing about mainly anything. We are also able to post and share any information that we find as well. Bouncing off of that point, another benefit that has come out of the creation of the web 2.0 is we are able to find information that we need or want to know with just a few clicks of a button. As easy it is to share anything on the internet, it is just as easy to look up what you want to find out. This has become hugely beneficial for whether you are looking up a new recipe you want to cook, looking up information for a project, and or just finding something you are interested to know about. Having this ability to search and look up any information wherever you are, such as in a classroom, at home or even on a drive, has made such an impact on how we live our lives. Although there are many positive benefits that come out of the creation of the Web 2.0, there are also many negatives that can come along with it.

The web 2.0 has allowed a dramatic shift in terms of how we live our everyday lives. Being able to comment back to people, use it anywhere and anytime, as well as finding any information that you can be looking up has become very beneficial. Yet with all the web has brought to use hasn’t all been super positive. The idea of being able to look up any inflammation you could ever want, isn’t always a good thing. To start we need to understand that everything that is found and read isn’t always going to be true. Information that we find on the internet sometimes is heavily one sided in terms of the way people write. Not only sometimes is it very one sided by the way people think in terms of how they explain a topic, sometimes what they are explaining is not reliable. I believe many people today in our use of technology and the internet expect that the first thing they find when looking something up is always going to be correct and the best answer. When in reality that is not always the truth. I think we have all become very lazy to the idea that sometimes we are going to have to look deeper and look up information that we are trying to figure out. Having the ability to find out what is reliable and what is not is very important to stop this notion of how the web can be harmful. Why I call it harmful is because people may read something and jump to a conclusion that it is true even though it is not. Making sure we take the time to see what is true and what is not can be done by making sure it is backed up and is credible. Knowing what is reliable and what is not is important for a writer and also a reader when determining what to trust and what not to. Another negative effect of the web is the problem of the hate people are receiving online. Since the start of the web 2.0 and the ability for people to comment back to what we are saying especially on social media platforms, this has made it so many people if they don’t agree with what you are saying say something. Although sometimes people agree that thighs are positive, many people respond with negative feedback. When they happen people have become very brutal. People have written to people with death threats, which I think is very upsetting. This whole idea of hate online has become very out of control, and has led to people sadly taking their own lives. It is one thing to not agree with someone’s opinion, which is okay you are not going to agree with everyone, yet to say horrible things that will affect someone else is another. I believe this negative effect that has come with the creation of the web 2.0 is one that really needs to be changed. Since the start of the web 2.0 and the issues that have come from them, I believe if we can make a change to how we go about it can help us make a difference down the line.

Since the creation of the web 2.0 there have been many positive and negative aspects that came along with it. What is important for us to figure out is how we can use it safely, as well as how we can learn how to protect ourselves when using it. Knowing how to make sure when we use the web to not fall into the trap of believing the first thing we read is important because that can be a main issue to why people believe specific things that they read. If unsure of something, taking the time to look it up and finding a source that is known to be credible can and is very important. This is because without knowing if something is 100% true can lead us to believing in something that is inaccurate. Due to all of the many amazing ways in which the web 2.0 has helped shape us today in society by the endless ways we are now able to use it, being able to understand the negative effects of it and how we can use it without causing more harm is very important.

