Is Technology Becoming TooMuch?

Elana’s Digital Blog
2 min readApr 4, 2022

Technology is everywhere, and when I say everywhere I mean EVERYWHERE. Whether you are sitting in a classroom, ordering in a restaurant, or even just the added technology in people’s homes. This list can go on and on about how the use of technology has made a greater impact in our everyday lives. I sit here and wonder though, is all this technology just becoming too much? I know that technology is never going to go away, but have we integrated it too much into our lives? Technology has become something that most people heavily rely on for most of their everyday lives. Yes this has become and made some of the smallest tasks so much easier such as, getting directions, ordering food right off your phone with the click of 2 buttons, and text and call people anywhere at anytime.This list as well can go on forever, but when is it too much? Ever since the start of covid, technology has been an important aspect for people and their everyday needs. Being able to take classes online and work from home made it easier for people. I wonder though, when do we need to put technology down and not heavily rely on it for so much.

Technology truly has made so much in our lives so much easier, and that has been very beneficial. I just believe we have all becomes to co-depend it on it. Yes it is useful to look up something you don’t know where ever you may be, or even book a hotel fast when you are driving to a new location. Yet when is it too much. I think what is making our addiction to technology is social media. Yes technology is becoming the new way of life, in the way it is being incorporated heavily in most of everything. Social media on the other hand is what is causing us to not want to stop using it. I can sit here and say I use too much technology, and express how much social media I use. I just think that however much we use, and however much it is being integrated in our lives it is never going to go away. I believe we need to be responsible for how much we use it and it’s ok sometimes to put your phone down and do something else.

