Knowing what we are reading

Elana’s Digital Blog
2 min readFeb 6, 2022

Is what we see and read always correct? Is what we read always reliable? Is what we read having an impact on the way we think? Digital writing has changed the way we are able to collect and learn new information. Yet this seems to come at a cost. Not everything we are reading seems to be correct. This is where the importance of media comes into play. When a writer is writing an important article that includes important facts or points, we are expecting it to all be correct. Yet, this doesn’t always seem to be the case. Backing up one’s writing is very important by using outside sources that backup what you are saying. Being known as a writer that is reliable is very important in today’s day in age. We live in such a time where people will click on the first thing they can find regardless of what they are saying, and just believe it, not even blinking twice at the idea of what they just read is actually correct. This is why being credible and reliable when writing is so important. When people start to understand this issue of not believing the first thing you read and actually reading something that has information to back it up is so incredibly important. This leads me back to my three questions I asked in the beginning, is what we see always correct? No, but if you find an article that can prove that they are saying then yes. Is what we read always reliable? Again no, unless you find an article that can back up their points and show proof of where they found that information. Lastly, what we read has an impact on what we think. YES! Knowing what is true and what isn’t though can help with the idea of basing what we think off the first thing we read.

