Making sure the information you find is reliable

Elana’s Digital Blog
2 min readMar 20, 2022

When getting your information to either write a paper, find new information you didn’t know before, or was told to look something up, there is always a stigma to where you can and can not get your information. One thing that is important that is always true is making sure the source of information you are getting it from is a scholarly source. But other than having a source that is factual and has information that is reliable, are there some sources that you shouldn’t look towards to get your information. One source that is highly talked about, on whether or not people should use it to get their information, is Wikipedia. Wikipedia, has this stigma around that it is not reliable, but is that the actual truth? Growing up in school many teachers were always against wikipedia and told you to not to use them as a source of information. In class this week, we spoke about how this notion of why people shouldn’t not use Wikipedia should not be a thing.

When understanding where the information that people post on Wikipedia is coming from, it is all highly reliable scholarly sources. Although really anyone is able to post and put information on Wikipedia, giving it the reason why people don’t tend to use it. Yet there are people who work for the company, who check and make sure that the information that is being sent is correct and reliable. Although Wikipedia itself may not be seen as the most credible sight and source itself, using it as a guild and going to the sources that are on there are very beneficial. The sources that are on this platform and all scholarly sources that are all really good to use. So although some may say to not use wikipedia at all it is a very good guild to help you find sources for whatever you need to find.

