ElasticDAO RoundUp #5

3 min readAug 27, 2021


Welcome to the ElasticDAO RoundUp to learn everything that is happening within the ElasticDAO fellowship.

With v2 coming down to the last issues, LSDan is currently focusing on integrations and will be stepping back from active development, and an NFT sub-project created to bring attention to the DAO, it feels like a good place to celebrate our half-year anniversary.


While we have talked a lot about V2, we never broke down the features included.

As V2's primary objective is to bring revenue for the DAO, V2 updates are separated into 4 main categories.

ElasticVote — ElasticVote is an independent voting system that gives autonomy to the ElasticDAO community. The DAO will interact exclusively with the IPFS and provide its own set of indexing servers. This removes us from the Snapshot Voting system, which is the first step on the ElasticDAO Roadmap.

ElasticRewards — ElasticDAO users can see and manage their rewards. Participants’ rewards will be added to their voting power with each vote, and they will be transferable through the App.

ElasticDAO simulator — A tool aimed to educate teams interested in creating an Elastic DAO. The simulator will be used to determine the DAO parameters for joining and treasury amounts based on growth. This will allow organizations to set goals and a long-term strategy.

Updated ElasticDAO Dashboard — Main components have been added, including analytical graphs and tooltips, integrating users' feedback, and aims to make seamless navigation the utmost priority.

Development Updates

This week, the development team has been focused on several small issues to polish the new V2 app.

We have added better user error messages, input validations, tooltips, and a ton of new functionality in the ElasticSimulator to visualize the effects of input parameters when creating a new DAO. New graphs were also added to the Finance page for the DAO’s vault’s historic balances and the liquidity available for EGT on SushiSwap.

We unexpectedly had to pick up a large chunk of work to complete ElasticVote earlier than planned, moving up its expected release date in order to help migrate off of Snapshot, which has been a constant struggle to maintain as they have changed API.

Our next steps are to integrate ElasticVote and ElasticRewards into the V2 UI before we move to staging.

An NFT that turned to a Jelly NFT project

Worth mentioning is a Jelly NFT sub-project which is cooking. A few weeks back, an NFT, created by MaX and Chrissu, provided a small but scalable revenue stream to the DAO. This led to creating a small team of contributors interested in building a sub-NFT project to raise awareness around the ElasticDAO brand!

The project is being initiated by MaX, Chrissu, and Byzg#5254 and aims to gather NFT creators and enthusiasts while promoting the ElasticDAO concept in various ways.

During the fall, 21 jellyfish NFTs, inspired by the ElasticDAO fantasy plot, will be released. Each design will have different skin, accessories, and even guns to contribute to the battle for fair governance and a collective future.

The team is currently working on the basic sales model and designs. Moreover, with every NFT sold, the creators and the DAO will get a percentage of the revenue.

If you are interested in NFTs and would like to be a part of the project, feel free to contact us through Discord to get enrolled!

That’s all for now. If you have any questions, feel free to join our Discord.

For those interested in the Weekly Live Updates, make sure to register on our official YouTube channel, where you can find a summarized call of the weekly developments.




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