ElasticSwap and Big Brain Holdings

ElasticSwap — The future is elasTIC
2 min readApr 18, 2022

I want to share a bit of exciting news from the last week that happened without much fanfare.

We closed a small OTC deal with Big Brain Holdings for $100,000 for 20,000 $TIC tokens on April 14th. This deal was completed with $TIC trading around $5.70, so there was not much of a discount. In addition, Big Brain Holdings has agreed to an 18 month lock-up on their token position.

This was an opportunity for us to partner with a successful investor who has a history of diamond-handing their investments and trusting their teams to do what’s best for the project. We are very excited about this partnership and the flexibility it will provide us, as we come into conference season. We will be looking to sponsor some conferences and Hackathons with this investment, and look forward to seeing what teams are building, talk about what we are doing, and building partnerships across the space.

A bit about Big Brain Holdings:

Big Brain Holdings ‍is a Crypto Exclusive Fund Investing in Pre-seed, Seed and Early Stage Projects. They believe in a crypto forward future, and invest in teams paving the way towards that future. Their team focuses on projects that are unique, innovative and on the cutting edge of blockchain.

They value long term partnerships and help the projects they invest in grow and prosper through their various value added benefits.

With over $20M in investments made across a portfolio of more than 200 different projects, they are in a great position to steer elastic-supply projects to us, as well as amplify our marketing message.

If you want to support us or just come and see what we are building, feel free to pop in!



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Audit Report https://code4rena.com/reports/2022-01-elasticswap/

