ElasticSwap at the Avalanche Summit

ElasticSwap — The future is elasTIC
3 min readMar 28, 2022

You would think a 5 day event filled with meetings, happy hours, breakfasts, and after-parties would be a good time. Don’t get me wrong, there was fun to be had, great people to meet, collaborations to discuss, and everything in-between… but we are exhausted!

A few exciting things coming out of the conference that we want to share:

  1. We have spoken with 1inch and they are in the process of reviewing our contracts in order to integrate ElasticSwap into their aggregator.
  2. LSDan, in-between meetings and events, has been coding like a mad-man. Stay tuned for frontend leaks. 👀
  3. We have met with some interesting bridging opportunities, which could accelerate our launch on Ethereum, as well as create very unique LP opportunities across chains! Stay tuned.

A few other interesting trends from the Avalanche Summit:

Gaming on Avalanche

There have been a lot of interesting trends and projects that we were introduced to at the Summit; Gaming, NFTs, and of course other DeFi applications. One of the most interesting games we discovered was Chikn, a game involving a three-token model of $EGG, $FEED, and Chikn (upgradeable NFT). “Roost” your chikn to lay $EGG, farm $EGG LP to get $FEED, use the $FEED to upgrade your chikn. The larger your chikn the more $EGG you can produce. There are some interesting opportunities in these types of token models to implement an elastic supply element, allowing for other variables to be added… (i.e. a drought that impacts $FEED supply). We will be connecting with their team in the coming weeks.

DeFi solving problems in the real world

Perhaps the most interesting DeFi project we bumped into (other than ourselves of course), bridging blockchain with the real-world and addressing a serious issue, was Sch0lar. Sch0lar is the Web 3.0 extension of Scholarful, a financial aid platform for university students. With soaring student debt an ever-growing problem in the US, Sch0lar seeks to leverage DeFi yields and blockchain transparency, allowing for donors to create custom endowment funds, transparent and easy scholarship applications for students, and an all-around better alternative to traditional student loans. With a native token $SCLR used within the Sch0lar ecosystem, this type of innovation is needed to bridge the divide between DeFi for DeFi’s sake, and the problems that DeFi can solve in the real world.

An observation

The event itself was interesting… It is clear that Avalanche wants to be the chain catering to VCs and institutional investors. It was a much more corporate event than our team has experienced at other Blockchain events. Institutional participation will cause Number Go Up across the crypto ecosystem, but the independent and decentralized nature of the ETH and Bitcoin communities was remarkably absent. It will be interesting to see how this evolves.

Where we were 10 days ago

Where we are now:

Projects set timelines for a lot of reasons… to keep them focused on the endgame, to keep them on schedule, and in our case, TO BE BEATEN!

We learned in this space long ago, that people expect projects to set ambitious timelines and then miss them. Soon TM. We aren’t that team. We want to crush expectations. We want our community to know we are working day in and day out for them, to overdeliver on our promises, and watch them reap the rewards. Our Core team are builders at heart, often head down and absent in the community. Expect us to surprise you on this project.

The future is elasTIC!


