ElasticSwap-ShapeShift and Mainnet

ElasticSwap — The future is elasTIC
2 min readMay 11, 2022

We have been running flat out for about 8 weeks now, with our families begging us to take a breather. Alongside that, we have been very much in stealth mode, making announcements and dropping alpha in our community, but only occasionally making announcements on Twitter. That changes today. Today we want the whole world to know that on our May 11 official launch date, we are not only live on Avalanche (which was the goal), but most importantly, we are live on Ethereum Mainnet (Surprise!). How ‘bout them apples.

Additionally, we are excited to formally announce a strategic partnership with ShapeShift via their sub-DAO, vFOX. vFOX is taking a strategic position in ElasticSwap and for that ElasticSwap is getting USDC earmarked for hiring Developer help, and treasury diversification in the form of FOX Tokens. Furthermore, ElasticSwap will be the AMM of choice for a newly launched $FOXy-FOX pair, providing swap capabilities for the new FOXy Token (a yield-bearing elastic supply token). ShapeShift has seeded that pool with $1M in liquidity and is live for trading right now.

“The ShapeShift community is enthused by the vast potential for rebasing tokens, evidenced by the recent launch of our own rebasing token, FOXy. ElasticSwap has overcome one of the biggest barriers to rebasing token’s DeFi-diffusion, and we can’t wait to see the possibilities this unlocks for the rebasing primitive. vFOX’s mission is to make strategic allocations into protocols in which we think we can add strategic value, and the synergies between ElasticSwap and ShapeShift DAO are off the charts. We couldn’t be more excited to support ElasticSwap as strategic partners, including deploying a FOX/FOXy liquidity pool, integrating elastic-swapping on app.shapeshift.com, and more.” -Willy Ogorzaly, ShapeShift

FOXy is the first yield bearing elastic supply token launched by the ShapeShift community, but the opportunity for cooperation on future innovative token pairs and innovation in the broader elastic supply space are endless. Not to mention, ElasticSwap will be fully integrating with the ShapeShift trading platform.

So here we are, fully deployed on Avalanche and deployed on Ethereum with $1M in liquidity on a newly launched elastic supply token with one of the largest DAOs in DeFi. Pinch me.





Discord discord.gg/elasticswap

Website https://elasticswap.org

Twitter @elasticswap

Github https://github.com/elasticswap

Audit Report https://code4rena.com/reports/2022-01-elasticswap/

