ElasticSwap — $TIC is launched, now what

ElasticSwap — The future is elasTIC
2 min readMar 19, 2022

For many people in the market, a token launch ends there… an easy flip to grow their stack. We view the price of the token more as a barometer of how our project and ideas are being received, rather than any measure of our vision or future successes. So for us at ElasticSwap, it remains head down. Focused not on the $TIC by $TIC (see what I did there?) but on the launch of the protocol and building out our partnerships.

In our DNA, we are builders, and look forward to other builders approaching us to figure out how to plug into our infrastructure and incorporate rebase assets into their tooling.

Next week, a small cohort of the ElasticSwap team will be headed to Barcelona for the Avalanche Summit to get the word out about what we are doing here at ElasticSwap. If you are going , hit us up… we love to share ideas and meet people. We are well aware that ElasticSwap can solve a lot of headaches for rebase tokens, who since inception, have struggled due to a lack of infrastructure in DeFi. Many protocols have abandoned or wrapped their rebase tokens (like Olympus DAO). We think ElasticSwap will open the door for them to explore a return to a rebase token model.

The ElasticSwap Protocol will launch May 11, with an $AMPL pool. While some rebase token projects have abandoned elastic token models, Ampleforth has embraced what it means to be first and break new ground. We are confident that together we can prove that elastic projects are just getting started and about to find their day in the sun.

In our DNA, we are builders, and look forward to other builders approaching us to figure out how to plug into our infrastructure and incorporate rebase assets into their tooling. If there is one thing we have learned over the years in this space, it is that when the building blocks are there, Devs from all over the ecosystem will build projects that push the boundaries of anything you think is possible today. We look forward to being a very small piece of that innovation.

The future is elasTIC. LFG, my frens!

REMINDER: If you are going to the Avalanche Summit and want to brainstorm or grab a beer, hit us up.


Discord discord.gg/elasticswap

Website https://www.elasticswap.org

Twitter @elasticswap

Github https://github.com/elasticswap

Audit Report https://code4rena.com/reports/2022-01-elasticswap/

