ElasticSwap — why builders #buidl in a bear

ElasticSwap — The future is elasTIC
2 min readJun 7, 2022

As the steward of the ElasticSwap Discord (one of the many hats I wear as Head of Business Development and Communications), I often post questions to engage the community…

“What’s up”, “How’s it hangin’”, “Anyone have anything cool planned for the weekend”? I asked such a question last week and was met with the following from one of the ElasticSwap co-founders and Sr. Devs:

Just watching the crypto world go by….
Somehow the bear market has been nice, things have slowed down across the board so much. I mean there is a lot of downside ofc. But it’s a nice break from the chaos.

This is why builders buidl in a bear. Like everyone else, devs get caught up in the noise. Bear markets shake out the noise because inevitably, the noisiest projects are the weakest ones and force even good projects to spend more time making noise than they would prefer.

LSDan and I did an interview with Mason from TokenSoft Inc. for their inaugural Podcast called “The Fren Zone”. It was a great time and you can learn a lot about the project. Listen here!

A few updates on ElasticSwap:

  1. We are in conversation with a number of projects and are looking to launch additional token pairs soon.
  2. The graph is close to finalization, which will allow ElasticSwap to integrate with CoinGecko, Dexscreener, as well as additional aggregators.
  3. We continue to tweak the front-end to streamline the functionality, putting ElasticSwap in position to hit the ground running as the market turns. (See Arthur Hayes great note on the current state of the crypto market here.)
  4. We are building… surprise, surprise. Too soon to leak alpha on this front, but our goal at ElasticSwap was never just to be an AMM.

We continue to look for teams that want to develop tokenomics with elastic supply dynamics and will be attending ETHGlobal ETH NY Hackathon later this month.

Come build with us!


Discord discord.gg/elasticswap

Website https://www.elasticswap.org

Twitter @elasticswap

Github https://github.com/elasticswap

Audit Report https://code4rena.com/reports/2022-01-elasticswap/

