Elastos Partners with HashWorld

Elastos Community
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2018

On May 28th, Elastos signed a contract with the Hash Future Foundation and formed a strategic partnership with HashWorld.

HashWorld is a blockchain game that allows users to learn about blockchain technology while also enabling them to earn real digital currencies like BTC, ETH, and ELA. Users can “mine” currencies in the game and purchase virtual lands that can grow in value. The goal of HashWorld is to teach the world about blockchain technology and reward them with real economic value.

Hashworld was created by Yinghao Jia of Tsinghua University. After spending a summer with a VC firm in Silicon Valley and researching blockchain projects, Jia returned to Tsinghua University and started the Student Blockchain Association where he is now its president. Jia believed that educating the world, especially young people, about the merits of blockchain was essential for its growth and an important idea for a game. Jia was rewarded for his idea with investments from firms that include Danhua Capital. HashWorld’s unique educational gaming world currently has a customer base of over 1 million people.

HashWorld models itself after the classic board game Monopoly. On the platform, users gain digital assets by flipping cards in a virtual world and making bids for iconic buildings.

HashWorld also bridges the physical and digital world through location-based services and empowers users to enjoy customer-designed settings with AR technology. Users can purchase land in an augmented reality setting that will allow them to then charge “rent” when other users play games in that location.

In the future, Elastos and The Hash Future Foundation will explore in-depth ecological cooperations including blockchain education, industry research, and community development.

Elastos looks forward to helping educate the world on blockchain technology while expanding its own community through HashWorld’s ecosystem of users.



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Elastos is the world's first Internet operating system focusing on re-decentralizing the Internet with blockchain to secure identity. https://www.elastos.org/