Elastos Video Contest — Final Version

Elastos Community
Published in
12 min readApr 5, 2018

Sponsored by: Elastos Foundation

Dear Elastos Video Contestants,

A number of participants have showed great interests in participating in the video contest and raised a couple of concerns. After careful consideration, Elastos has decided to make a few updates indicated in the below post to best accommodate everyone. Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing everyone’s submissions!

Here’s our final revision. Please find the original video contest post here.


UPDATE 1: [90 day extension] The Elastos Video Contest (the “Contest”) submission period will begin on February 25, 2018 at 8:00 AM ET and end on July 15, 2018 at 23:59 ET (the “Contest Period”). All times in the Contest refer to Eastern Time (“ET”). The Elastos Foundation’s server is the official time keeping device for the Contest Period.


To enter the Contest you must

(1) You will need to upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo, and share your video link to Twitter with the #ElastosVideo hashtag. (collectively, an “Entry”).

(2) e-mail URL of your video to design@elastos.org with your name, e-mail address, ELA wallet address, home address and telephone number in ONE EMAIL. Please note, sending separate incomplete emails will lead to the loss of opportunity of winning the Video contest.

In order to be eligible to win a prize you must provide all information required, including your current full name, email, home address, and telephone number and you must publish a tweet with your video and the required hashtag. If you do not complete both steps you will be automatically disqualified.

All Entries must adhere to the following guidelines:

· Entries must be received during the Contest Period.

UPDATE 2 · Entries may be created and submitted by individual participants working alone, OR by a group participants with the restriction of: no hired resources.

· Entries must contain a video that meets the Submission Guidelines (described below).

· Participants may submit up to three (3) Entries; however, each participant is eligible for only one prize.

· Entries may not contain material that is sexually explicit, disparaging, defamatory, libelous, indecent, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate, as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion.

· Entries must be the submitting participant’s original work, Entries may not infringe on another person’s copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property right.

· Entries submitted by third parties are prohibited and such Entries will be disqualified.

· By submitting an Entry, participant grants to Sponsor the right to share any submitted Entry that are the Finalists(as defined below) on Sponsor’s blog, on any media platform and its social media accounts for purposes of announcing the Finalists and conducting the Public Poll (as defined below).

· Winning Entries will become the exclusive property of Sponsor and by submitting an Entry and being bound by these Official Contest Rules, Winners assign all of their right, title and interest in and to their winning Entries to the Sponsor and Sponsor grants back a license to such Winner to display their winning Entry on their personal or professional portfolio and to identify such Entry as a winning Entry in this Contest.

· Sponsor will have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the Winners’ Entries in part or in their entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.

· Sponsor will not be responsible for incomplete, lost, late, misdirected or illegible Entries or for failure to receive Entries due to transmission failures or technical failures of any kind.

UPDATE 3 — PRIZES (doubled from original amounts):

Each prize winner (a “Winner”) will receive one (1) prize as outlined:

One (1) First Place Winner will receive FOUR hundred (200x2=400) Elastos Tokens (“ELAs”),

One (1) Second Place Winner will receive THREE hundred (150x2=300) ELAs,

One (1) Third Place Winner will receive TWO hundred (100x2=200) ELAs.

One (1) Fourth Place Winner will receive ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY (60x2=120) ELAs.

One (1) Fifth Place Winner will receive SEVENTY (35x2=70) ELAs.

Participants may not win more than one prize. The Sponsor will identify the Winners and the winning Entries in a blog post published at https://medium.com/@elastos within ten (10) days following the selection of the Winners and will include a URL link to each Winner’s Elastos video in such post; provided, however, that such production portfolios may not contain material that is sexually explicit, disparaging, defamatory, libelous, indecent, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate, or which infringes the intellectual property rights of any third party, as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion and the Sponsor may remove any such URL link at any time. Sponsor will not replace any lost or stolen prizes or prize components. Odds of winning a prize are dependent on the number of Entries in the Contest, which is difficult to estimate at this time.

VIDEO DURATION: 30 seconds to 2 minutes


All eligible Entries will be judged by a cross-functional panel of judges consisting of Sponsor’s team members and other professionals (the “Judges”). Selection of Judges is at the sole discretion of the Sponsor. At the end of the Contest Period, the Judges will evaluate the Entries based on the following criteria (“Criteria”):

(i) Creativity (35%): Thirty-Five Percent of the overall judging score will be based on the creativity and originality of your video. We encourage you to be as innovative as you could!

(ii) Presentation (25%): Twenty-Five Percent of the overall judging score will be based on the overall visual appeal of your video, include considerations of (A) whether the video commands attention, (B) does the video provide appealing visual and sound effects © do all the elements of the video work together to create a unified production.

(iii) Logic and Clarity in Explaining about Elastos in technologies or/and value (40%): Forty Percent of the overall judging score will be based on the ability of your video to represent the Elastos Foundation brand, its values and its mission and how well your video aligns with the concept and the objectives of the Elastos Foundation (as further described in the Submission Guidelines).

The Judges will select up to ten (10) Entries, which Entries score highest based on the Criteria, as finalists (the “Finalists”), on or before July 15, 2018, up to five (5) of which will be selected as Winners. Sponsor will publicly announce the Finalists in a blog post published at elanews.net within 10 days following their selection by the Judges. Sponsor reserves the right to select less or none Winners if, in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received. There is no guarantee that any of the winning Entries will be used by the Sponsor as the video of the Sponsor.


In the unlikely event of a tie in the Judges’ scoring, the potential winning Entries and their Winners’ ranking (if applicable) will be selected based on the highest “Representing the Technologies and/or Values of the Elastos Foundation” score. If there is still a tie, the potential winning Entries and their Winners’ ranking (if applicable) will be selected based on, in order, then the Overall Visual Appeal score, then the Creativity score, until such tie is broken.


Participants whose Entries are chosen as the Finalists will be notified at the e-mail address provided to Sponsor with their Entries within twenty-four (24) hours after the selection of the Finalists.

Potential Winners will be notified by email. Sponsor’s inability to reach a potential Winner, the return of any prize notification as undeliverable and/or a potential Winner’s failure to respond to a prize notification within forty-eight (48) hours may result in his or her disqualification, the forfeiture of all interest in the prize, and the selection of an alternate Winner from among all remaining eligible Entries.

ONLY FOR U.S. CITIZENS: In Sponsor’s discretion, potential Winners will be required to sign and return to Sponsor, within seven (7) days of notice or attempted notice, an intellectual property assignment agreement, a W-9 tax form and an affidavit of eligibility in order to claim his or her prize. If a potential Winner fails to sign and return the intellectual property and assignment agreement, the W-9 and the affidavit of eligibility within the required time period, the prize will be forfeited and in Sponsor’s sole discretion, it may be awarded to an alternate Winner. Sponsor is not liable, for the purpose of winner and prize notification and delivery, in the event a potential Winner has provided incorrect, outdated, or otherwise invalid contact information. The decisions of the Sponsor relating to the judging of the Entries and the choice of the winning Entries are final and at the complete discretion of Sponsor.


By participating in the Contest in any way, submitting any Entry for consideration, or taking receipt of or using any prize that may be awarded, each participant agrees to release, discharge, indemnify, defend and hold harmless Sponsor and its respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, advertising/promotion agencies, and prize suppliers, and each of their respective parent companies and each such company’s officers, directors, employees, and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”), from any and all liabilities, claims, causes of action, damages, losses or costs of any kind, arising out of such participant’s (i) breach of any representation, warranty or covenant contained in these Official Contest Rules, including any claims relating to use, infringement, misappropriation, or disclosure of an Entry, (ii) participation in the Contest, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property or privacy arising out of participation in the Contest, any posting online or otherwise of any part of such participant’s Entry for judging or otherwise or any claim regarding ambiguity of these Official Contest Rules, (iii) acceptance, receipt or use or misuse of any prize that may be awarded in connection with the Contest, or (iv) any third party claim relating to any rights in any Entry.

By entering the Contest, each participant agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with the Contest, or any prizes awarded, shall be resolved individually without resort to any form of class action; (2) any claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual documented out-of-pocket costs incurred in entering the Contest, but in no event attorney’s fees; and (3) under no circumstances will any participant be permitted to obtain any award for, and each participant hereby waives all rights to claim, punitive, incidental or consequential damages and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased and any other damages, other than damages for actual documented out-of-pocket expenses incurred in entering the Contest.


By submitting any Entry, including any information, text, images and any other content (collectively, “Your Content”) and otherwise entering the Contest, each participant represents that (i) such Entry and Your Content is original to such participant and does not include, and is not based on or derived from any pre-existing or third party production, trademarks or copy print images, and does not contain any material that would defame or otherwise violate or infringe upon the rights of any third party, including any patent, trademark, publicity, privacy, moral, trade secret, copyright and/or other proprietary rights, and does not violate any applicable federal, state or local laws or ordinances, (ii) such participant owns such Entry and Your Content, including any and all patent, trademark, publicity, privacy, moral, trade secret, copyright, and/or other proprietary rights therein, and (iii) any use, display, reproduction or modification such Entry by the Sponsor will not violate the rights of any third parties. Each participant represents that he or she has not copied or in any way taken any of such Entry or Your Content from any third party and that no one else has any rights with respect to such Entry or Your Content.


By submitting an Entry each participant is giving the Sponsor permission, in the event that such Entry is chosen as a Finalist, to share such Entry on Sponsor’s blog, any media and any other related forms of promotion or materials for purposes of conducting the Public Poll. Participants who submit Entries chosen as Finalists hereby expressly grant the Sponsor a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, sublicensable right and license to host, print, broadcast, publish, store, reproduce, distribute, syndicate, modify, publicly perform, and otherwise use and exhibit such Entry made by participant (along with such participant’s name and/or likenesses, statements about the contest, and/or biographical information) in all media now known and later come into being for purposes of conducting the Public Poll, news, public relations, and promotional purposes without further compensation, notice, review or consent. This includes, but is not limited to, the right and license to modify, use, distribute, reproduce, excerpt, adapt, prepare derivative works of, publicly perform and display, publish and make any other use of the Entry and Your Content and all aspects thereof: (i) in and in connection with conducting the Public Poll; and (ii) on [elastos.org], or any other website or webpage or social media profile or account owned, operated by or related to Sponsor. Each participant grants Sponsor the right and license to use the participant’s Entry and Your Content and all aspects thereof, as set forth herein, in any way Sponsor determines whether with or without providing any attribution or compensation to such participant, except where prohibited by law. Each participant represents and warrants that it has full legal right, power and authority to grant the Sponsor the foregoing license. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each participant expressly acknowledges and agrees that nothing herein shall require Sponsor to utilize any Entry by such participant or any portion of Your Content. Each participant agrees to indemnify the Released Parties from and against all third party trademark, copyright, intellectual property, right of publicity or other claims arising out of the use of such participant’s Entry and Your Content.


Each participant, by submitting an Entry and thereby agreeing to be bound by these Official Contest Rules, hereby assigns all right, title and interest in and to such Entry to Sponsor, which assignment shall become effective upon the selection of such Entry as a winning Entry by the Sponsor. Sponsor hereby grants to each Winner a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, revocable, non-sublicensable right and license to reproduce, publish and publicly display such Winner’s winning Entry on such Winner’s personal website or in such Winner’s production portfolio and to identify such winning Entry as a winning Entry in the Contest. Each Winner shall take all steps and actions requested by Sponsor, including the execution of any documents, instruments of conveyance, transfer or assignment, files, registrations, or other similar items, deemed necessary or appropriate by Sponsor, in its sole discretion, to ensure that such Winner’s winning Entry and all rights therein are properly assigned, transferred and conveyed to Sponsor. Prior to receiving their prizes, Winners will be required to execute and deliver to Sponsor an intellectual property assignment agreement and any other documents of assignment, transfer or conveyance, requested by Sponsor in its sole discretion, assigning all of their right, title and interest in and to their winning Entries to the Sponsor. If a potential Winner fails to sign and return such intellectual property and assignment agreement within the required time period of within seven (7) days of notice or attempted notice, the prize will be forfeited and in Sponsor’s sole discretion, it may be awarded to an alternate Winner.


Except where prohibited by law, participation in the Contest constitutes each participant’s express and irrevocable consent to Sponsor’s and its agents’ worldwide use of such participant’s Entry and Your Content, including without limitation his or her name, likeness, photographs, written submissions, biographical details and any other information such participant may submit or Sponsor may obtain in connection with his or her Entry for the purposes of conducting the Contest and the Public Poll in any and all media now known or hereafter discovered, without further payment or consideration; including without limitation placement on Sponsor’s website and in its social media accounts. Each participant expressly acknowledges and agrees that such participant’s Entry and Your Content will be accessible by others and that there is no confidentiality or privacy with respect to such participant’s Entry and Your Content.


Winners may waive their right to receive a prize. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize or prize components of equal or greater value.


The Contest is open to legal residents globally who are 18 years or older at the time of entry. Employees, directors or other representatives of Elastos Foundation Ltd, a Singapore registered company (the “Elastos Foundation” or “Sponsor”) and any persons domiciled with, any such employees, directors or other representatives, are not eligible to enter or to win. The term “immediate family members” includes spouses, parents, siblings, children, and grandchildren.

Winners (as defined below) must be able to create an Elastos Wallet at wallet.elastos.org and provide the Elastos Foundation with their Elastos Wallet receiving address in order to receive the ELA token prize.


By participating in this Contest, you acknowledge that this contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook and release Facebook from any and all liability arising from or related to this Contest. The information you are providing for this Contest when you submit an Entry is being provided to Sponsor and not to Facebook.


The Contest is sponsored by the Elastos Foundation, a Singapore registered company. Sponsor will not be responsible for typographical, printing or other inadvertent errors in these Official Rules or in other materials relating to the Contest.


For a list of the names of the Finalists and the Winners, please go to the Elastos twitter at https://twitter.com/Elastos_org after July 15, 2018.




Elastos Community
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Elastos is the world's first Internet operating system focusing on re-decentralizing the Internet with blockchain to secure identity. https://www.elastos.org/