Hello there!

My name is Elazar Krausz. I’m a graduate student studying Digital Marketing and Media at the Yeshiva University’s Katz School, and this is my marketing blog.

This is me, in the one decent picture I use everywhere. In case you were wondering what I look like.

In this digital space, I’ll be exploring ideas about marketing from my Marketing Management and Strategy course and beyond. I’ll be learning from marketing experts and considering case studies, developing my own thoughts on important marketing issues, and backing them up with research and analysis.

Marketing, in its ever-evolving state, is a fascinating thing, and I’m excited to explore the field in the context of this blog. However, I feel some trepidation in putting myself out there. What could I — a brand new student of marketing and a newcomer in the field — possibly have to offer? I find solace in two ideas:

  1. There’s something to be said for a fresh perspective. Like any discipline, marketing has developed a set of rules, best practices, and standard procedures. This is probably a good thing — for the most part. It helps marketers achieve better results while relying less on trial-and-error. But sometimes, when a group of people become so used to the way things have always worked, new ideas can slip through the cracks. I hope that my relative inexperience might prove insightful. Hopefully, I’ll be able to discover something about marketing that others have overlooked.
  2. Or, if that’s too lofty a goal… it doesn’t really matter all that much anyway. The internet is such a powerful tool because it gives everyone a voice. Anyone, whether they know what they’re talking about or not, can shout their opinions into the void, and hope somebody will listen. In fact, there are over 600 million other blogs out there. So, if it turns out I really don’t have anything useful to say about marketing, I’ll just be joining a large, loud, but easily-ignorable club.

All that being said, I’m excited for this semester, this course, and this blog. I’m looking forward to sharing interesting thoughts about marketing, and continuing to learn and develop my skills in this fascinating field.

I’ll see you in my next post!

