The wild world of UX design in big companies: A survival guide for UX designers

Helene Bader
Published in
4 min readJun 13, 2024
UX guide through adventure © by Helene Bader

Welcome, fellow adventurers, to the wild and wacky world of UX design in big companies! From a multitude of creatures just waiting to pick apart your concepts like a daisy oracle and drowning the user’s views in business processes, to hundreds of coordination meetings until something actually moves forward. It is and remains a wild adventure that UX designers embark on every day. So strap in, hold onto your mouse, and prepare for a journey filled with laughter, tears, and hopefully, a few moments of design brilliance.

The UX safari: Hunting for user insights

Ah, the majestic user — a creature both mysterious and unpredictable. In the vast savannah of these big companies, understanding the user is like tracking a unicorn with a GPS made of spaghetti. But fear not, undaunted designer, because with the right tools and a healthy dose of humor, you can uncover valuable user insights amidst the chaos. Just remember, not all users are created equal. Some are as elusive as a ninja in a library, while others are as vocal as a choir of hyperactive parrots. The basis is an objective set by the project team with specific research questions, i.e. which creature do we want to hunt next in the jungle and why? A shared level of knowledge can save lives. Prioritizing the user groups helps to master the chaotic connections. The combination of different research methods can also lead to more targeted artifacts and ultimately to prey. So, grab your binoculars, venture into the UX jungle, and prepare to discover the quirks and preferences of your target audience.

Taming the UX beast: Dealing with stakeholders

Picture this: you’re knee-deep in wireframes, happily designing away, when suddenly, a wild stakeholder appears! With the ferocity of a hungry lion, they demand changes that threaten to derail your carefully crafted user experience. What do you do? Panic? Cry? Or perhaps, unleash the power of persuasion with a dash of humor? Remember, dear designer, stakeholders are not your enemy — they’re just misunderstood creatures with their own agendas. Again, a common and mutual understanding is important. Evidence of your approach is crucial. This lets the stakeholder know that you don’t want to do them any harm. So, don your diplomat hat, sprinkle in some charm, and gently guide them towards the path of UX enlightenment. Who knows, they might even become your biggest allies in the quest for design greatness.

The UX Odyssey: navigating corporate red tape

Ah, corporate bureaucracy — the Bermuda Triangle of UX design. One wrong turn, and you could find yourself lost in a sea of endless meetings, approval processes, and soul-crushing feedback loops. But fear not, brave navigator, I bring tidings of hope: there is a way to survive this perilous journey with your sanity intact.

Firstly, learn the ancient art of diplomacy — the ability to navigate the treacherous waters of office politics without causing a mutiny. That means, save your ass from unexpectedly appearing crocodiles by preparing and communicating everything, before you start with concepts or workshops. Start with a kickoff together with product owners and other decision-makers to clarify goals, expectations, risks and scopes. Secondly, master the art of compromise — sometimes, you have to bend like a contortionist in a circus to get your designs approved. And finally, never underestimate the power of bribery — a few bananas, such as showing the return on investment of a concept, can work wonders in smoothing over rough waters….or hungry monkeys.

Sometimes not a safari but a comedy show: embracing failure with grace

In the grand theatre of UX design, failure is not just a possibility — it’s practically a guarantee. Whether it’s a usability test that has gone awry or a design critique that leaves you questioning your life choices, setbacks are part for the course in this crazy world. But fear not, my dear designer, for failure is not the end — it’s just a plot twist in the epic saga of design evolution. So, embrace failure with open arms, laugh in the face of adversity, and remember: every mistake is just another opportunity to learn and grow. Who knows, your biggest flop might just be the catalyst for your greatest triumph. A huge benefit is: In the jungle of big companies, you will meet also brave adventurers as you are — other UX designers. You can get valuable survival tips from them and also share your experiences. And maybe you can put on together your own comedy show.

Change your perspective: It never gets boring

In conclusion, the world of UX design in big companies is a wild and unpredictable ride, filled with challenges, triumphs, and the occasional bout of existential despair. The awareness of the ups and downs is frustrating in the first place, but what if that’s what makes it so exciting? With a healthy dose of humour, a pinch of diplomacy, and a sprinkle of resilience, you can navigate this crazy jungle with style and grace. So, grab your safari hat, sharpen your wit, and let the UX adventure begin!



Helene Bader
Writer for

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