Elchemy 0.8.0 Released!

Krzysztof Wende
Published in
1 min readSep 22, 2018

Elchemy 0.8.0 Released

Elchemy 0.8 is released. This release includes one major addition and a number of important changes.

Erlang OTP 21 and Elixir 1.7 Support

Now Elchemy supports OTP 21 and Elixir 1.7*!


Changes for this release include:

  • Elchemy now is explicit about Elm 0.18.0 requirement
  • Elchemy now properly resolves Types constructors and Type aliases imported from another project with as keyword
  • A new way to install it in your project
# Before Elchemy 0.8.0:
|> Code.eval_file(".elchemy.exs").init
# Elchemy 0.8.0 and later:
|> elem(Code.eval_file(".elchemy.exs"), 0).init
  • Numerous code quality improvements

/Edit 26 Sept 2018

It appears that due to some changes in Elixir compiler, we’re not able to make Elchemy work with 1.7. It will work with 1.8 though, when this issue makes it through. Till then please use Elixir 1.6



Krzysztof Wende
Editor for

Entrepreneur @ Neon Tree Solutions Ltd, Functional programming zealot