My impressions after 100 days with iPhone 7 Plus

Eldar Gezalov
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2017

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 I have been using iPhone 7 Plus for the past 100 days

I have been using iPhone 7 Plus for the past 100 days [/caption]

In one of my earlier posts, I have already told you that my choice for a smartphone is iPhone 7 Plus. In this post, I am going to share with you my opinion about Apple’s best smartphone offering after using it for about 100 days.

I forgot I have upgraded my phone

Prior to iPhone 7 Plus, I have used iPhone 6 Plus for about 2 years. 6 Plus has almost identical design and form factor as the newest version of Apple’s smartphone, so the same looks and the absence of any revolutionary features made me forget I had the new iPhone after a couple of weeks.


Camera on iPhone 7 Plus is great, one of the best ofany smartphone, and on par with Google Pixel XL and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Portrait mode is fun to play with, but after trying it out for a couple of weeks, I rarely use it these days. The same goes for the x2 optical zoom, which I have literally used just a couple of times.

What reminds me that I have a new phone

Apart from the better camera, the water resistance and stereo speakers are probably the best standout features of the iPhone 7. It is nice to know that I can safely use my phone even if it is raining outside, while the much improved speakers are definitely a nice addition for the person who consumes a lot of video content on my phone.

Water resistance and stereo speakers remind me that I am using iPhone 7 Plus instead of my old iPhone 6 Plus. I wish there were more features on my phone, which could do the same.

[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”1500.0"]

 iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 7 Plus share the similar looks

iPhone 6 Plus and iPhone 7 Plus share the similar looks [/caption]

Beautiful, but slippery matte black finish

The new matte black color still looks great and classy, although sometimes I am thinking whatever I should have gone with jet black. The reason for that is not because I think jet black is a better looking finish, but because it feels much more grippy compared to a super slippery matte black version. I don’t use cases on my smartphones, so slippery finish is definitely a downside for me.

The absence of 3.5mm headphone jack

As you can probably tell by now, I am an early adopter. I like to try new things as soon as they are out, and I was not unhappy that Apple did get rid of the 3.5mm headphone jack with the introduction of the iPhone 7.

On the other hand, Apple’s failure to start selling the AirPods with the release of iPhone 7 has really made it look like Apple made a big mistake taking out the 3.5mm headphone jack and providing the lightning headphones with iPhone 7, but then introducing the new MacBook Pro with the same old headphone jack.

[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”2500.0"]

 The newest iPhone and the newest MacBook are not designed to work together

The newest iPhone and the newest MacBook are not designed to work together [/caption]

I have always liked Apple’s default EarPods, which I have used on my iPhone and on my laptop, but with iPhone 7’s Lightning EarPods, I had to bring two pairs of headphones with me if I wanted to listen to music on both of these devices. Luckily, Apple AirPods have solved this issue for me.

I will talk about Apple AirPods next week, as a part of my Perfect Setup 2017 series, so If you are interested, sign up for a newsletter to get notified when I publish the new posts, or follow me on Twitter for updates and sneak peaks of the upcoming content.


iPhone 7 Plus is not a revolutionary device for me, but it gets the job done perfectly well. I wish there were more standout features like stereo speakers or water resistance, but even in the current form, iPhone 7 Plus will serve me well as my main smartphone.



Eldar Gezalov

Authorized Trainer for Blocs & Squarespace. I help people make beautiful websites, create and sell online courses, and run online businesses.