It Broke My Head: How Latinos Continue to Shape the Metal Scene

Published in
May 18, 2021

From Far Rockaway to upstate New York, seven metal bands try to explain whether it is necessary to have a Latino member to be considered an extreme metal band.

By Roberto Bolaños

Danny Mantis, singer of the metal band Abyzouth. Brooklyn, New York. Photo by Roberto Bolaños.

From Sepultura in Brazil to Mayhem in Norway, Latinos are said to have influenced metal in some way. But how and why?

Some say that Latin American countries are as brutal as the music they compose. Many have decades in their history with situations of corruption, drug trafficking and violence.

The bands in this documentary talk about the Latin influences that led them to understand extreme metal as a refuge and a way of life. They also try to explain why it is said that to really be an extreme metal band you need at least one member who is Latino.

