Word Game Finding

Matt Molen
Elder Molen
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2019

May 13, 2019

This week was kind of like seaweed. Salty and has a weird texture, but tastes good when it goes down.

On Wednesday I went on an exchange with Elder Lindstrom in his area. They didn’t have very much planned for that day, so we ended up tracting for about 5 and a half to 6 hours.

In order to break the monotony, we decided we’d play a game where we would give each other a word and then attempt to use that word in our contacts. If we used the word in a contact, then we get a point. This led to some very interesting conversations and analogies with people, but it was actually very Spirit-guided as well!

For example, one of my words was volcano, so I created an analogy of how sometimes my patience is really tested and I blow up like a volcano and then related that to the Atoning power of Jesus Christ and how it’s helped me in my life. The woman I shared this analogy with said something like, “that’s actually something I’ve been struggling with recently!” and we set up an appointment for a few days from then.

It was pretty funny some of the weird ones we came up with, I was given A/C condenser as one of my words, and it just so happened that there was a man working on his truck who I was able to ask him if his A/C condenser was broken and he said yes!

We told him what we were about as missionaries and got his phone number to set up a lesson with his entire family. I don’t believe in coincidences, and some of the words seemed way too good to be true.

Here’s the list of words we used, how would you use them in contacts?

Elder Molen: Grapefruit, Submarine, Manatee, Cinderblock, Drywall, Volcano, Seaweed, Power Plant, Aeration, Hubcaps, AC Condenser, San Andreas Fault.

Elder Lindstrom: Engineer, Hummingbird, Subaru, Police Officer, Origami, Trout, Disco, War of 1812, Martian, Oxidizing, Telekinesis.

Besides that there wasn’t very much out of the ordinary for us this week.

One unique thing was while we were tracting an elderly man invited us in to set up his new security system for him. We also found a seemingly-golden person yesterday but I’ll tell you more about that next week.

As I read Nephi’s psalm in 2 Nephi 4 this week, I was struck by how relatable Nephi’s concerns and pleadings are to us even though he was a prophet. I am sure you are able to relate to his words found in 2 Nephi 4:17–18:

O wretched man that I am! Yea, my heart sorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.

I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.

Although sometimes we think of prophets as people who are above the small and simple temptations and sins of the world, they go through the same trials and temptations we go through.

The only difference is they have overcome. They have relied on Jesus Christ to be made strong and they repent daily. We should do better to become more like these inspired men.


Elder Molen

District Bowling
Exchange photo! If you look really closely in the background, you can see Elder Lindstrom struggling to carry a shot put while biking.



Matt Molen
Elder Molen

Tanga CMO. Smokin' hot wife. 3 awesome kids. Enjoys photography & a good burger.