Brother — The Man Who Can’t Be Moved

Brian Liang
Voila! Photo Stories


It’s Monday morning in the International Trade Institute, Hsinchu, when most ITIers are probably sleeping, Paul is freshening him up and ready to start his brand new day.

Before I came to ITI, I used to be a person who was petty and narrow-minded. Life was so hard because I always counted every penny and fussed about little things. These had annoyed people around me.

After studying in ITI, I met Paul, who has changed my view of life. Now, let me tell you his philosophical ways of living.

Paul, who is now the president of the student association and well known as a walking dictionary, is one of the most popular students in 106A. We first met at the welcome party when we were playing a team building game. I thought he was very cool, hunky and had a strong impression on him because he was the person I passed the little sandbag to. We didn’t acquaint with each other until this term.

Most students may think he is a solitary person who likes to stay in the dorm and live alone. His life remains mysterious, despite the many activities he has participated.

At the beginning of this term, Paul moved to a new room and he is also the few people that will always stay on the campus at the weekend. Thus, we had the chance to chit-chat about school life in our leisure time and during weight training

Different from my imagination, he is not a weird guy but a considerate guy who has a witty sense of humor and self-deprecating. This kind of open-minded attitude toward difficulties in our life has made me introspect my unwelcome personality.

This is his favorite mobile game — Tower of Saviors, a puzzle game with characters from various mythologies and cultures. One day, I asked him “Why are you keep playing this game?” He calmly answered with no facial expression “This is the only thing that will not betray me.”

Besides thinking differently, insistence on living in a regular life is also his principle. His persistence and enthusiasm for bodybuilding and a healthy diet have kept his body in a good condition and shape.

His room is spacious and simple, no luxury, no fashion clothes. In spite of the broken window, Paul still think differently that the broken window can boost the air flow. I admire his optimism and learn from him.

It’s happy to know people through interact with them, especially living closely to their life. Their philosophy of life reflect the stories they have experienced. One of my interests is sharing and exchange the stories behind us, and this is why I like to chat with my friends which makes me know them well.

Good night!

