Do Not Forget

Lily Hsieh
Voila! Photo Stories
2 min readAug 3, 2018

I remember the time my friends and I visited Japan in 2016. The main reason for that trip was to visit the Tokyo coffee festival. However, during that period of time, it was the season for Ginkgo trees turning yellow and the leaves starting falling from the trees.

That day, we just finished visiting the Tokyo coffee festival. When we were walking to the metro station, we ran into this intersection by coincidence. We just stopped walking and stood still for a long period of time. We wanted to take some photos and enjoy the sunset. I still can’t forget the stunning view I saw that day. When the sun went down, the light changed how the colors on the leaves reflected.

At the same time I found that most of the people who went across the road didn’t look up at the sensational view. It reminds me that although we are all busy every day, and maybe daily life or the working life is the same day in day out, we still can’t forget to find the little happiness we have, just like the glamorous sight that my friends and I ran into.

“ Life is hard. We all know that but don’t forget to notice the little beauty in our daily lives. ”

